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Green River Report
King County, WA


Coho Salmon

Ever have a skunk run so bad that you'd be happy to catch a cold just to say you've caught something? These coho are kicking my tail and then some... This morning was by far the slowest we've seen. In the 2 hours we were there we only saw maybe a dozen jumpers. A few guys were just down from us out in waders and we didn't see them pull anything in either.

First let me preface by telling you that we are fairly newer-ish fishermen. We have done a lot of trout fishing over the last few years but this is our first year giving the river a run for some salmon (or whatever the hell will actually bite). Over the last month the hubby & I have been frequenting behind BECU 3 to 5 times a week. In the last month he had ONE on but lost it at the bank. We've been there at the crack of dawn and all times through dusk. We've been there when the tide in, out and in between. We see the fish jumping and I'm fairly certain it's for no other reason than to laugh and flip us the bird. We've thrown just about everything in the box at these guys and no takers... Not even bites. I am the one that pushes to go fishing all the time and I'm worried that my hubby is getting discouraged enough that we won't be going as frequently. Help help help!!! Any suggestions? Are we in a bad spot? Do we smell funny? Anyone willing to show a couple of dumb asses how it's done?

Any guidance you can offer is appreciated soooo much more that you know.


9/26/2012 7:25:00 PM
I fish there frequently as well, and probably have seen you guys down there. The majority of the fish landed at this spot, is on eggs either float fished or plunked. Since you have experience fishing for trout, I'd recommend plunking for them at the far right corner, from where the path leading down to the beach opens up. So far it seems any eggs will do. Dick sporting goods has some Ray's bait skein eggs that I've seen others catch fish on. I'll be down there early tomorrow morning.
9/26/2012 7:29:00 PM
Yes! I feel your pain. I have not exactly been slaying them, but I can say that if you watch for what others are having success on and the try to mimic it, you'll eventually hook one.....but it's a tough wait. I've managed a whopping two this entire month and neither was very big. Although I've been fishing all my life I am relatively new to river fishing for salmon and it's been a tough learning curve. It's hard not to get discouraged. You said your husband did hook one....if he can hook one, he can hook another. Patience and persistence. Try moving to different spots or changing your offering or color or how you present it (jig vs. drag or slow vs. fast). Sometimes an off-the-wall offering will entice a bite. As for colors/lures, I've hooked one on a hammered silver spoon, one on an orange corkie and yarn, one on a green spinner, and had a hard hit on a red and white spoon.....so it's not all about one type of color or presentation. I know your frustration. All I can say is keep at it. Every trip I've made this month I see more people walk away without fish than with.
9/26/2012 7:41:00 PM
What beach losaturn?
9/26/2012 7:55:00 PM
The one at the park across from BECU
9/26/2012 8:24:00 PM
hey losaturn- have there been any problems with car break-ins there? I had heard rumor last year so haven't really fished there much but I did like that drift and was sure a bobber was the way to go. I have more time on Friday so may hit that 1st before the 599 beach!

Gwendylyn- great advise below but yes, just keep at it; you are not alone on this journey!
9/26/2012 8:30:00 PM
I haven't noticed any kind of problems the last few years I've fished there(knock on wood).
9/26/2012 9:38:00 PM
Thank you everyone for all of the encouragement! It was seriously needed.

Losaturn - I know right where you're talking about. The spot we've been hitting is a bit further around the bend. I'm not sure if we'll be able to but hopefully we'll see you in the morning! Keep an eye out for the giant ginger man and the short brunette =o) We won't have time to get eggs for tomorrow but have a giant box full of other options for the morning. Thanks again
9/26/2012 9:41:00 PM
Gwendylyn we seem to be in the same leaky boat. Like these guys say just keep at it and watch for their reports they share a lot of useful info and really know they stuff
9/26/2012 9:57:00 PM
Salmonlander - we should seriously consider a class action suit against the dealer that sold us these crappy boats. Think it over & let me know ;) I've learned a ton from watching the reports & am thankful that the people here are so religious about posting. Although, coming home from a crap morning filled with lost gear & no fishes always stings a bit more when you see everyone else is landing lol Thanks again everyone for throwing a few pennies in the pot & bringing some more hope this way.
9/26/2012 10:38:00 PM
Gwen, your comment about coming home after a crap morning and lost gear just to see other's successful reports made me laugh. I've felt that way more times than I can count this last month! Just a reminder that you're in good company! :)
9/27/2012 7:56:00 AM
I'm in the exact same boat. I fish from that same beach about once a week and have yet to land anything either. River fishing for salmon is a whole different world it seems. Hooked into what was either a coho or a really big pink throwing a pink spoon last year but he threw the hook, and that has been the extent of my excitement so far. The suggestion for eggs is a good one, can anybody suggest a good tutorial online on how to rig eggs? I've not done it before.

As for car break ins, like others have said I've not seen any problems or broken glass on the ground. There seems to always be people sitting in their cars in the parking lot talking on their phones or eating lunch, so that probably helps deter the car prowlers.
9/27/2012 12:15:00 PM
I have fished the Skykomish and the Snohomish this Salmon season only to have lost more gear than I care to remember. I need to go buy more Dick Nites as those are the lures I have caught Silvers on before, but I suffered sticker shock when I went to buy them. I do have a nice selection of other lures and some eggs left from last season. I have thought I should wait for the rain before I give more gear and eggs away for no fish. But I to read these reports and there are fish(Silvers) in the rivers and some people are catching them. Most of the fish I have seen jump/rise are the Kings, I have only seen two Silvers jump on the Snohomish. I know I wont catch any if I don t go fishing again, I haven t gone since last weekend. Two years ago I tried for silvers and never caught any, last year I got two bright fish. It does take patience and persistence to learn where and how and what to try. one of the Silvers I got last years was after trying plugs and a variety of lures before I found the color and style that provoked the solid bite. Tight lines to all, keep at it you will catch fish if you keep trying.
9/27/2012 1:26:00 PM
Bentrod- Glad I could provide a giggle =) I almost feel bad saying that it makes me feel a bit better knowing that we're not the only ones out there not catching anything. Sorry guys... The gear losing is probably what stinks more than anything. Aside from being super competitive and pissed I don't have anything to throw on the BBQ, the gear losing is probably what stings more that the rest of it all. Although, I've started casting our own weights & making spoons from thrift store silverware. Mainly because I'm a super cheap-ass and will stroke out if I keep dumping free money down river LOL We went again this morning to see Losaturn at the beach and catch a few tips. See todays report for the days debacle. Thanks again to everyone for the encouragement!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709