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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA


Coho Salmon

Buenos Nachos All! This morning the hubby & I went to meet losaturn & between the 2 of us in about an hour snagged & lost 6 setups.... I've started making our own weights & have made a few dozen spoons because I'm a cheap ass and tired of throwing money down river. It was AWESOME to meetup with someone that knew what the hell they were doing & get a few quick tips but the beach filled up pretty quick and two guys decided it was ok to move in on where we were standing while we were re-rigging. Maybe fishing social graces are different than that of some normal human being in public. Like I've said, we're new (lol). After thanking losaturn & getting one last tip for how to rig an egg drift setup & directions to a few other spots to try, we headed off to Dicks for some super fantastical magic fish enticing eggs. After Dicks we checked a few spots along the river only to find that by this time, all of the spots either already had people in them or the water was too low to get to without waders. Then when all hope seemed to have been lost for the morning, we saw a pair of plaid clad grizzly guys walking up from the river and they waved... We guessed that meant they wanted to tell us everything they knew about the sport and possibly catch the suckers for us. So we pulled up and asked them how their luck had been this morning. Super nice guy and said that the egg floater spot was just around the bend behind boeing. After chatting him up a few minutes, we headed out to find the boeing spot. We found it & it was a zoo. Saw multiple people walking up the bank with fishes so we decided to give it a try. There were fish jumping like neither of us had seen before. Literally one right after another. We got a few casts out & noticed that we were the only 2 still standing out on the rock just down from the bridge... So turn out, there is no bell or alarm that sounds when the tide starts to come back in. Yep you guessed it, we were the 2 dips that nearly got stuck on the rock. Thankfully there was only a couple feet of water we had to cross to get back to the shore. One of these days I'll be cool enough to post that we caught something & didn't look like idiot haha! When it does happen, I'm thinking we should have a forum party LOL Good luck out there!


9/27/2012 1:53:00 PM
It was great meeting you guys down there. It's too bad it was unusually slow at that spot today, at least you found out where the fish were downriver. Didn't have much luck either, just landed one.
9/27/2012 2:28:00 PM
Wow, what a story! Glad you didn't get stranded out there on that rock. When I'm out there at rising tide, I'm constantly looking over the top to see how high the water is....it can really creep up on you in a hurry. I think I saw you guys on the bridge looking up river, must have been about 10 or 10:30a? I was down below fishing the 599 side. Sounds like the fish got active after I left.
9/27/2012 2:47:00 PM
It was fantastic meeting you too! I'm sure we'll see each other around the river =)

Bentrod- You're probably right about seeing us. I'm thinking it was just about that time. We're pretty hard to miss though. He's a giant sized ginger with a goatee (usually in a black vest & tee shirt & I'm the long haired little (next to him anyway) brunette in a ball cap . You could also spot us by finding the couple that all the old hat fisherman are laughing at haha Sorry for the long story guys. I think it's time for some comedic relief around here. What better than to read the adventures of a couple newbies?
9/27/2012 2:57:00 PM
Yup, that was you. Long stories are great. When I'm not fishing, I like to read about fishing! :) Don't worry, no one is laughing at you. There are all types out there. I'd rather see you two out there really trying to fish than some of the guys I saw this morning who look the part but just are snaggers in waders. I've seen two guys slip and fall in the mud in the last couple days and I did a little unexpected jig myself this morning while climbing up the slick rocks. If you can't laugh at yourself, then you're doing it wrong!
Tip, a pair of cheap rubber boots are really handy on the Green/Duwi, especially at low tide. The Outdoor Emporium downtown used to carry some for about $12 a pair. Not sure if they still have them for that price, but highly recommended for river and beach fishing if you don't want to drop $ on waders.
Gringo Pescador
9/27/2012 2:58:00 PM
Welcome to the site Gwen. Thanks for the entertaining reports, we all had a learning curve at some time or another. I haunt that area as well, but weekdays are usually out for me. Hopefully I will meet a few of you guys along the way. When you get a chance, check out the river forums on this site, lots of great information there and a lot of knowledge to draw from when you have questions!
9/27/2012 3:08:00 PM
Well now that you know what we look like, no excuse for not saying hello next time =) I didn't even think about rubber boots.... He's got a pair that he uses each year for his santa suit & I think I've got a pair mixed in with the camping gear. Thanks for the "duh" momento haha Gringo Pescador - Thanks for the welcome! We hit the river on the weekends too but try to do it during the wee as to avoid the zoo. I haven't even made it into the forums yet. I've just been watching the reports trying to pick up tips. Will definitely check it out
9/27/2012 8:08:00 PM
Hey Gwendylyn! Great story! There are a lot of cool people you will run into on this stretch of river as I found over the years and of course, you will always find a few not-so-educated on fish etiquette! Anyway keep at it and hope to run into you guys sometime. I usually fish on the 599 side of the river upstream from the footbridge wearing waders and a tie and on my phone a lot! lol
9/27/2012 9:45:00 PM
Waders & a tie, got it. Will keep an eye out =)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709