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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



76° - 80°
Coho Salmon

Got back from a long trip to CA today. Went something like this. Left Cali around 6pm Sunday... Thinking about fishing the whole time because I posted on a few peoples reports being a punk when I heard it had still not rain'nd and poured for a good fish flow. I arrived into town here at about 6-7am. I drove the whole think like a red eyed freight train. 2 babies screaming, mom in the back keepin the war to a dull roar... Me sippin coffee and blazin up I5.

So I get home unload the car and then turn around and head into work getting there around 8:30am. No sleep in 48 hours and I am starting to feel it.. No big deal though all I do for a living is Air Traffic Control up at Seatac. ... < j/k

So with much thought I had dropped my dog off at one of those kennels last week before the trip, guess where, that's right holiday kennels on the Green River! Perfect excuse to leave work early, get the dog, flip a jig and head home after 30 minutes of fishing.

Well it did not go quite like that.

I got down to a new spot on the river (well new for this year, but not new to me) and I sat and surveyed the river, looking for fish, signs, watching the water... It looked dead. I mean the water was still low, the water was bath warm and the sun was blazing without a cloud in the sky. .... 30 minutes went by and I did not see another soul.. in or out of the water. I tried spinners, spoons, jigs, even tied on a 50/50 wee nite. Just as I was about to call it a day, I saw a lone soldier push up the river and I quickly snapped on my favorite jig... waited patiently hoping his buddies were lagging behind, and sure enough a few more went by. The craziest thing is that before my jig even hit the water a dragonfly buzzed down and did that little dip skip in the water... the fish went bezerk, I mean exploded every way possible and they were gone. It was sheer mayhem. I have not seen the fish this spooked yet this year. BAD sign. So I watch as the symptoms are repeated over and over, spooked fish. So I tied on my smallest most un-obtrusive jig, also know as the Flashorexia because this jig is basically stripped boo, 2 pieces of flash and a trimmed down rabbit strip, as small as it gets with a nice long tail that gives a very small presentation but slow and lucious. A few twitches and I have a follower but it turns and jets.

I am coming up on an hour now and I know that I am treading thin water. See my wife thinks I am coming home early with the Dog so I can get to bed early because of course on my way to work she asked are you going fishing today, to which I replied... "Fishing ... Are you serious, do you realize how tired I am???" I acted disguised and got in my truck and took off... thinking , I wonder if it will be hot or not up by the kennel... hehehe

So long story short I worked my ass off for an hour and finally as I was about to call it, a final couple of fish showed up I pitched flashorexia out there and twitched then slowed it and gave a final snap, drop, jiggle which sealed the deal.

Fish on, I brought in a nice little hen, bonked it because it would complete my smoker load and then headed home.

Of course I get home and my wife goes "I thought you were going to be early honey..." to which I replied well ya know as I pulled the hen out and she said, I knew it you are a ... she paused and then said lets just have that for dinner...." I replied, yes ma'am.

It's good to be home.


10/1/2012 5:38:00 PM
Another great report. Not sure I'm going to make it out again for river coho this year but the reading material from reports on Duwamish still remains fun. Good thing your wife is so understanding especially with 2 little buggers to handle! And good planning on the dog kennel as well. ;-)
10/1/2012 6:20:00 PM
Great story JumpinJim! Nice little hen too.
10/1/2012 7:31:00 PM
not trying to hijack your report but how do I leave my own report. only left it on yours because you were the last person to post. I
10/1/2012 7:38:00 PM
nm just a pain in the ass trying to figures out on my phone. sorry and thanks.
10/2/2012 7:23:00 AM
You're killin' me! Great job on the Kennel, keeping the wife happy & keeping it on the road. Thanks for the report!
10/2/2012 7:42:00 AM
@Knot : Bummer man, the run should kick back up once we get some rain, if that ever does happen....

@GSX bummer dude, looks like you figured it out though.

10/2/2012 8:17:00 AM
Way to produce! Good looking smoker load too! Makes my mouth water.
10/2/2012 3:40:00 PM
Ya still weighing the effects of getting blanked again for coho vs getting maybe a couple trips for koks vs probably 1 if I come home empty on the coho. It's all good, just like that crop of smoked salmon you have there! :-) Nice...
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709