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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cle Elum River Report
Kittitas County, WA


Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Sinking/Floating Fly Line

Wow! today was such a great day. I was near Roslyn for the weekend. I was doing a family weekend and fishing was not really the focus.... but if you knew me, that means that the rod was stashed in the car somewhere and I would slip out in the wee morning hours while the family is sleeping.
I hiked down to the portion of the Lower Cle Elum river which is right below the lodge at Suncadia. The lower Cle Elum is just right currently, for wading, fishing, etc. There are some really fishing looking stretches in that area.
I love to fly fish, but that being said, I feel like I kinda suck at knowing how to best present what flies in what situations etc.
Yesterday I was in the Cle Elum fly shop, purchased a new 3wt rod. The friendly guide working the shop that day, hooked me up with how to rig for nymph fishing, with a dropper fly in tow, etc. Anyway, thanks to him I was so happy to catch and release a fat 15-16" rainbow Sunday am. I was working a nymph? whatever... with the dropper micro small fly in tow. Nothing was happening, and I really had only fished about 20 min. Quickly lost the dropper fly on a snag. Left the very fish looking section, went to some faster water. Started just throwing the larger nymph thing?? Real leggy looking bug. About 4 casts into it I had a solid hit! Fish on!
Now if you new my usual fly fishing experience.... in lakes from a tube, I'm OK. But rivers,,, it's always 4" brooke trout! I damn near lost my balance with the excitement and went down river. Got the fish in, was a healthy wild rainbow, fat and solid. Love that fly fishing... hooked in the jaw comfortably. Quick hemostat release, a kiss goodbye, and I was outta there. back to the house for breakfast.
Anyway, when you spend a lot of your fishing time pulling flashers/dogers, long line trolling, etc. It is so cool to have a fish on a fly rod. very different feel. Stripping him in, no realing. It made the ride home tonight worth it.... Was going down I-90, HEAVY rain, etc. Got a flat tire on the Hwy. Had kids in the car and no other adult. Wasn't comfortable changing the tire on the Hwy. side with kids alone in car. Had to call for support. Kind of a lousy drive home, but nice weekend anyways!


10/14/2012 9:14:00 PM
Quad, that is such a cool story about the lunker RB on your new flyrod. That must have been a great feeling. Congrats. I don't think I've ever hooked a trout that big on my fly gear (I'd probably remember!) Sorry to hear about your return trip troubles though. At least you made it safely. Witnessed an accident on my way home this evening......Wise choice on your part calling in support. TL.
The Quadfather
10/14/2012 9:16:00 PM
Thx! The new 3wt doesn't arrive til Wed. It would have been a nice fish on such a light rod. Great time though.
10/14/2012 10:01:00 PM
Nice story Quad, I am itchin to learn to flyfish, sounds fun, and yes, you made the right decision about securing help, good man!!
10/15/2012 8:26:00 AM
Call for support? HUH, don't you remember the Christmas Story... "OH FUDGE." You missed out on an epic memory opportunity. Just kidding, around of course. Too bad you didn't get to break in that new 3wt on that little dandy.

Since you have a place up there I will tell you the spot to go. There are about 3 to 4 amazing runs between the Res. and Salmon La Sac. The first is actually just above French Cabin Creek, Big Boulder mid river and a deep pocked on river left. 2nd is the 3 pools that are road side further up created by man made weirs. 3rd is halfway between those two points just after a large river wide sandstone wave. That wave spot is a bit off the beaten track and harder to access, but worth while. I have pulled out some 20"+ trout out of that spot, all nymphing just off the bed pulling into eddys behind larger rocks.

If you are adventurous there are some amazing pools on the cooper river too, but those require either Class IV-V whitewater skills or Rappelling because they are in a vertical canyon. Worth while though because they are bigger fish that will destroy dry flys (Mostly hoppers) on the surface in these crystal clear pools. They are mad and not afraid to show it, just watch out for the occasional bull because they are in there.

10/15/2012 4:12:00 PM
Nice job Quad! A 3 wt and river rainbow over a foot long is going to FORCE you to have fun if you land it LOL. So good luck once you get that piece of equipment added to the arsenal. Keep jumpinjim's notes too for next season! Nice having a kayaker guy give up some stuff you wouldn't know without risking some injury (at least at our age).
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709