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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Coho Salmon

Bittersweet post here.

Newsflash, it rained on the weekend, but I did not see numbers of fish change a bit. Hopefully there is just a little delay since they have to restart their engines, and now get past nets....

For the report. Was out there from 6am to 12:30. Yea that's right, 6.5 hours. Oh and it was painful.

The tide was at 4:50 and I find that in the stretch between briscoe and 277th. It takes about 1 hour delay for schools to start moving, so I was present at 6am. Unfortunately having been gone for two weeks I totally spaced on how late sunrise is. That is more of an issue for me because I don't push eggs so even around dawn I end up waiting until just enough light to see the blades of a spinner or the bling of a some flash. Well I got it going around 7am which was a peaceful way to start, between 6-7 not a single rise, just silence. At around 7-8 a few rises. First fish was just before 8am 6 to 7 lb buck getting a gray belly and sporting some blush plucked on the Bruised Hooker, back he went. Just after that two fellas showed up and started running eggs under a float, both on each side of me within a few feet. Now I am not one to get fussy about space but floating eggs and twitching jigs are both very different paces, and well I was bummed to be sandwiched in between two folks that were not willing to move up river to the next spot. I even told them, there is a great little spot just right there and it is even better for floating eggs, but they would not listen. And now having to wait thrice as long to cast, I opted to move, mainly because your not going to be effective at twitching jigs when the people above and below you are trying to set hooks at the slightest bob of every float. It was like a song almost, Rip, dang little fish, Rip, stupid trout, Rip, just missed him, Rip, Rip. The fish ain't stupid, and it spooks the crap out of them. So at my next spot within eye sight of the two guys but down stream, I popped two more bucks again, one a complete fire truck, and the other a bit blushed but certainly in the realm of keeping, not even close to as dark as what people seem to still take.

So now I am feeling it, getting a little cocky and rude, I even yelled up river to the guys floating my spot, "Hey I didn't leave any Jig's up there did I?" The cockyness wore off quickly as My luck faded and I was left for an hour or two getting zilched. I was so frustrated because I could seem them passing, Not thick but passing by and still REALLY SPOOKED. The float fishermen were bummed and took off around this time I think about 10:30 or so, and I was about to walk up to "my spot" but since I was right by my truck I decided to drive to a bridge just a few minutes away to see if I could spot any schools or thick action.

So I drove down there. Walked out on the bridge and what do I find. 3 fellas and I hope the one with the fancy set up is a member here and chimes in because You guys should be sorry about what you are doing. They are up on this bridge 40 ft in the air. One has a deep sea style rod with mono that looks like a tube for an IV it is so thick, the other guy is sporting a 10' 6" GLoomis with grey braid. I know nice pole for a couple of snaggers. The older guy has a buzzbomb that he has very craftily tied protruding hooks to so It is a bit more like a Squid jig with the hooks on the sides of the weight. I acted like I did not understand how to fish and got the full tutorial. You just toss it out like this, and wait, see the dark spots those are fish but you have to have glasses like mine to see them, then you just RIIIPPP. missed but still. I laughed really hard, I mean I could not believe he just did that with people standing all around him... No shame. I looked at the kid with the loomis and he acted like it was just normal fishin... I was pissed so as I walked away I snapped a photo and then wrote down the plates. I am passing the information along to WDFW, and my local friends that patrol the area who are more likely to prepare a welcome party should they see you again.

I went back to my spot pretty bummed, I mean with folks like this it's a wonder that fish even return... I think I would rather have a seal just eat me or a cod just bite me in half. Anyways I went back figuring I was just wasting time. About 11:30 ish , I found myself in that mood where I felt like leaving because I was frustrated from the events of the whole day, when all of a sudden as I am passing a jig through a very snaggy hole I feel a tug, thinking it is a snag, I very nicely give it slack and hope it slides off then all of a sudden line goes right tight and fish on. Nice bright little hen. I had a request for a fish and since it was dime bright, I bonked it and left.

I went home and vented too my wife, who basically acted like I was an idiot, I also took a video clip of them snaggin and she thought I was going over board... maybe I am.

Pic 1: Snagmasters
Pic 2: Hen for a Friend


10/15/2012 10:19:00 AM
LOL. JJ, I really thought fishing was going to be on fire yesterday. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Six hours....wow. There is usually some guy on the bridge trying to fish......never understood why they even try. Pure brilliance. At least you were able to hook a few. Great report. Stopped by the river this morning. Water was high and moving fast. Saw a few fish jetting around the eddies close to the bank. Didn't bother to wet a line. There was a seal out in the hole. Maybe try later.
10/15/2012 11:45:00 AM
I always wonder what people are thinking. How are they you going to bring a fish up on the bridge or the edge where the tires are at?
10/15/2012 12:39:00 PM
Snaggers are the kind of people who buy a sheep to write off as an entertainment expense and has no idea how he got syphilis and when his wife leaves him over it he figures hey thats ok, at least they is still brother and sister.
the piranha
10/15/2012 1:04:00 PM
I call weighted treble hooks "silver spiders," sounds like like that buzz bomb is off spring. A guy that I work with says "it is the best feeling in the world, when you see a school of fish coming up the river, you cast in front of them, then YANK, fish on." I don't have the heart to tell him how I really feel though. He loves the Skokomish.
10/15/2012 1:05:00 PM
@ BentRod - Simples, they are not trying to fish, they are looking to snag. From a bridge it is easy, since you can see the fish coming up, get your your snaggle gear ready resting on the bottom of the river and then Snagaru as they pass by!!! As the regs clearly state, and not many would argue, this is not fishing, this is Poaching. I personally think the difference is Food vs Fun. They might have fun too, but the Sustance is paramount in the operation.

@Hookedonfishing - Simples x2 - They have a modified Crab Pot with an extra big opening, they Snag the fish using snaggified buzz bomb then drag it over to the crab pot where it is then hoisted up to the bridge for further processing. It is a simple yet effective operation, so much so that it is worth buying Gloomis rods!
10/15/2012 1:17:00 PM
I've actually seen people try to use a spinner or corkie&yarn off the bridge when the bank is crowded. Futile.
10/15/2012 1:32:00 PM
I seen a guy with a little red and white clip on bobber fishing off just left his bobber right in the middle of my drift until I yelled up at him he is going to have to move it . Then I asked him how expected to bring it up . I didn't see any crab pot. Everyone that I have seen fish off of the bridge have never caught a fish mostly because anyone trying to actually fish off of the bridge has no clue to what they are doing.
10/15/2012 2:55:00 PM
@HOOKEDONFISHING - Not going to argue with you about bridge fishin in general, HOWEVER, these guys were somewhere in between Expert Amatuer and Pro Level Snaggers, they had an answer for everything, from line wgt, keeping those hooks sharp, crab pot operation, proper sunglasses for snaggspotting, even what type of rope to use on the crab pot to prevent blisters on your hands. But wait that's not all the one guy even discussed the best types of Rod Actions, because heaving a salmon into the crab pot should not be attempted with anything other than a heavy action rod.

Of course despite all this knowledge you would think they would know the difference between a King and a Coho. When I asked him what the biggest one he had ever snagged was, he proudly said in over 20lbs, it was almost to big for the pot, but clarified that the bigger ones look and taste different so they prefer the smaller ones....
10/15/2012 3:25:00 PM
Ugh... Jumpinjim let's hope they are Native Americans showing others how their ancestors did it with the 'modified ancestral weeping willow branch' (you know, the G Loomis graphite kind that can be grafted onto willows as X-Mas gifts for the younguns during the holidays).

Shrug... ('OL GREY DOG style)...
10/15/2012 4:31:00 PM
Dear JJ,
Today I decided to join the WA Lakes forum. Myself and a fellow coworker have been diligently following your walake posts and youtube posts demonstrating how you tie your deadly jigs (thank you for sharing btw - not many would do this). That said, we have tied I can't tell you how many of these and tried them to no avail. (ok my colleague has hooked a few and landed one). Myself on the other hand have been out about 20-30 times this season and have only a few follows to show for it. This is embarassing. I'm Canadian... I feel like I should be able to do better. I mean you would think I might have lucked out and hooked something by now right?!! Furthermore as a fellow Jesus fan, I've said prayers in the hopes the good Lord might help out!! Perhaps I need to cast my line to "the other side" of the river?!?! Should you have pity and care to explain more the action you provide these majestic jigs of yours I would be ever so grateful!!

hopelesscanuck (Loren)
10/15/2012 4:50:00 PM
I wasn't saying that people don't snag off of the bridge . I believe you 100 % percent . I was just talking about the random people I have seen fishing off the bridge and me thinking what the hell are they thinking.
The Quadfather
10/15/2012 9:24:00 PM
Where are the Youtube posts located? couldn't find anything under "Jumpinjim" except non fishing stuff...?
10/15/2012 10:29:00 PM
@HopelessCanuk - There are quite a few variables to Jig fishing that set it apart from other methods, really it is much closer to flyfishing than anything else. I will put a little more detail but apart from being out with someone it is hard to describe. Listed in order of importance.

1. Jig - (color pattern, material, size, wgt, etc)

2. Method of Movement (Twitched, Snapped, Flicked, Jerked, Pulled, Shaken etc..)

3. Timing of Movements

4. Depth of Movements

5. Presentation Method (Under a Float, Free Casted)

The location you are fishing and what your fishing for, and the current attitude of the fish in the system is going to determine almost all of the above. Coho in one river will not respond to the same thing that Coho do in another river, perhaps in select cases but there are techniques that I employ on the Olympic Pen. Rivers that are looked at by Coho in the Green and not even given a second glance. Coho in the green respond best to an initial Jerk that gets the fishes attention, then very light twitching as the jig falls deeper a light jerk up and more twitching. DO NOT jerk that jig even close to a school moving up, sudden motions of jerking in schools on the green will spook them and they will scatter like a shotgun shell. There are too many snaggers lurking at every bank that these fish have learned to be wary, although schools on other less abused rivers will respond with absolute explosive aggression to big nasty jerks as they are moving in to view. Next thing is that the ocean run fish in just about any river generally use the banks to navigate, so if you are just tossing the jig in the middle and going for it , your probably wasting your time, coho generally like structure too, but on the green they mostly move through the lower system before getting the hunker down, mill around in a hole behavior that they display elsewhere quicker. Knowing this you need to get to know your area of the river, how they like to run, what times, and then how they approach the run, and how they move out of the run. See your going to get about 3 shots to get them interested. First shot is as the approach your area, that is when you want to be presenting your jig as schools move in, then as they pass you should be working them, and finally make a last effort to get your jig well ahead of the school and give a presentation as the leave your area. If you don't know the routes they like to travel doing those three presentations is hard. Often I catch fish on that last cast as they are leaving, several fish have seen it a few times, the last cast it is in the water well before they arrive (dropping jigs on top of a moving school -not milling- rarely works, and can end up in snags). So
10/15/2012 11:32:00 PM
Oh and Quad try this link to a past report if this is what you are talking about

Past Report with Jiggity clips
10/16/2012 9:21:00 AM
Great details Jim. Thanks. @hopeless: Don't feel bad. I've been out 19 times over a month and have brought home a total of four fish (should have been 5). I have benefitted from Jim's videos and have employed his jigs successfully. However, I have much to learn in regards to this method and like most other methods, it takes a certain amount of skill. Maybe that is why there are so many snaggers out there, people who are unwilling to learn. This site if full of helpful people, so welcome and I recommend taking advantage of the forum and using Private Messages. Best of luck.
10/16/2012 9:48:00 AM
@Bent Rod - Thanks for the encouragement
@JJ - My coworker here at REI read your advice and wanted me to say thanks Professor! I also thank you! This gives me a good starting place, and hopefully I'll get one this season!
10/16/2012 10:04:00 AM
@Canuk - Professor? Uh Oh looks like my cover might be blown, is your co-worker a whitewater boater?
10/16/2012 1:49:00 PM
I dunno Jim...."Professor" it might be. LOL. I ran down at lunch and changed up my presentation a little based on your write-up and the conditions I was fishing. Water was certainly not looking fishy, but after a while I managed to bring in a chrome hen. :)
10/17/2012 12:52:00 PM
wow you guys are crazy....you guys do realize that 99% of salmon do not actually bite once in the river right? and most of the time when you catch a salmon, even in the mouth, it's because they run into your line and you floss the hook into their lip...wether its a jig or a corky. So all this talk about how flossin is bad, is complete BS. 20$ says you were flossin em' too last time you caught a salmon in the mouth, u just didn't know it. If you hook from the gills forward, whats the problem? I hardly ever see salmon actually HIT any lure like a steelhead or bass would once they hit the river where it actually swallows it, or gets aggressive and bites down and shakes the lure. To be honest, if you're good at flossin and catch more fish legally than anyone else, you're a damn good fisherman. Takes much more skill then fishing blindly and waiting for something to happen. You guys need to relax. What you need to be looking out for is people using treble hooks right now or keeping fish they've hooked in the back, or the tail. That's not legal. The art of flossing is effective but very hard to master. Tight lines ya'll
10/17/2012 10:56:00 PM
Bassassassin you have 0 clue what your talking about. I guess I flossed all my coho today on a float and eggs. And I guess all my spoon and spinner fish this fall have all been flossed too. When I can see them chasing my blue fox and they hammer it I guess they're actually coming up and rubbing their jaws on my line instead.
10/18/2012 8:40:00 AM
@Metal - You gotta love bASS-ASSASIN, opinions are great. I think that while eggs on a float are going to be highly unlikey to floss, eggs on a drift can get the occasional flossin, depending on how you run it. There is almost a zero chance of flossing with a spinner or jig because of how the lure runs in the water. ALSO saying salmon don't bite once in a river is funny which leads me to believe the AssAsin is a TROLL. But for the sake of discussion, Salmon stop feeding, and eating in freshwater, most of the biting and striking is out of aggression, territory and instinct once they are in a river, so yea they don't cruise around looking for meals like Bass or Trout, but Strikes and Bites are common and frequent.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709