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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Coho Salmon

-----------Begin Antics and Nonsense --------------
So I would go out on a limb and say that today was a PGD (pretty good day) considering ROI (Return on Investment).

LOL (Laugh on Line)

Oh and PS I RFL (Really Freakin Love) to use TLS's (Three Letter Acronyms) because to day is National TLA Day. No more explaining each TLA though. Must be a military thing.

So I lost my wallet last night and looked everywhere for it. I could not find it in the cars or the house late last night and so this morning my wife and I agreed that I should drive down to my office and check there before cancelling the cards. So I wake up early and believe me last night was rough, I was up at 2am and 4am with a 1.6 year old teething and a 2 month old that was cranky... So at 8am I was like a sleeping bear ready to just GET.

As I was heading out the door My wife yells, why are you taking the Truck (its really a van but we call it the truck because it is really not cool to drive a van if you didn't know)

So anyways back to my story. She yells, why are you taking the Truck, just take the car your only going to the office right?... I explained well I haven't run the engine for almost a week and I really like to keep it lubed. She did not fall for that even for a second. She looks at me and says, look I know your waders, poles and gear are in there, so just tell me the truth.

The truth was I really lost my wallet, but it just so happens there are a few nice fishing holes by my office. So I figured if I found my wallet I could dip a line and have a double win. If I didn't find my wallet I could dip a line and soften the blow of loosing my wallet. Seemed like a good idea to me.

She did not agree, as I got into the car I moved the seat back and wouldn't you know my wallet popped out. So I went back inside, and told her, you know what, "I think the real issue here is how long I am gone. I understand you don't want me running around fishing all day. So how about we just agree I will be gone for exactly 60 - 90 minutes". She looked all contorted and was like ok, so as I walk out the door and get into my Truck she calls my cell phone and asks me why are you getting into the truck. I spilled the beans, and she agreed I could go for no more than 90 minutes but" only" if I bonked a fish rather than release it since we are having company for dinner. Oh and by the way, there is little in this world more satisfying than a woman that used the term Bonk properly. Golly I am a lucky man.

So I take off and do mach 10 down to my spot. If you were cut off in Renton by a giant black 4x4 diesel Truck like the one above, it was not me, there are thousands of them rollin around town.

Wow more time spend preparing the report than actually giving the juice. I should add some notations for those that don't care to read all my long antics and nonsense.

-----------Begin Real Report --------------

I got down to the river with about 55 minutes to fish. Not much and I thought about callin a few folks that have PM'd me but time just did not allow. Started out with the Jig in a standard run below the 212th zone but above the briscoe drift. Nutin, no rollers no schools. I was packing heat too just in case I ran into Bass Assasin, I was going to pop off a few rounds near his water (it's how us flossers and snaggers say Whadup). I switched to a Chart #5 nuting , busted out the Green Tadpoly, about 3 casts and fish on. Turned out to be a blushed up hen. Not totally red, but I knew my wife would ask me why it was not a silver and rather than explain to her again what she already knows I released it and continued. 20 minutes and nothing.

At this point I had 10 minutes left, put the snap jig back on, the "Damsel in Distress" and got ready, I was in waders almost up to my waist changing the jig on when about 50 yards below me a nice coho makes a huge display of aerobatics. Quickly like the world is ending I change the jig out and drop my tadpoly in the river. I grab it with no time and just toss it in my coat pocket so I can get a first cast down river in.

Sink sink, twitch twich all the way, nothing, quickly retrieve, as I see a fish pass by a quick flip 15 feet in front of me, same sink and twitch, nothing. 5 or 10 more fish pass by and I rocket this jig way In front of the school... let it sink for quite a bit less time since pulling it down river will cause much more depth in the retrieve. Twitch, snap Twitch Twitch, snap snap, and finally tug, set and fish on. A nice buck breaks the surface and begins it's run. It was great, maybe a 8 to 9 lb buck, bigger than most of the fish I have been catching but not the biggest I have caught or seen in the green, just a perfect 6 person dinner. Slowly I backed up into the reeds to grab my net, and proceed to work it in. He did take a few passes with those airborne assaults that have you just on pins and needles hoping that single barbless hook keeps, yea that was a little omission. I thought I was all that and a bag of chips the other day so I pinched most of the barbs getting ready for my Oly Pen season... Oh man I was sweating it.

Luckily he was landed and I was home just 15 minutes later than my agreed time frame.

Oh and check out this link that BassAssasin PM'd me, I think we just found our new Jig Mold Design. I am pretty sure we are going to haul in the mother load!!!!
Buy Jig Molds that are Sure to hook UP ......

A few more ..... and I am done


10/20/2012 6:15:00 PM
Very entertaining story! Thanks for writing, catching and giving your woman credit, too.
10/20/2012 8:30:00 PM
Great story JJ! Thanks for the play by play and nice fish.
10/20/2012 9:10:00 PM
Nice! I have been looking for some new gear and the link to the "new Jig Mold Design" was just what I was looking for! Okay, just joking on that. I like how they are labeled as snagging hooks on the site. I can't believe that they even make anything like this.
10/20/2012 10:33:00 PM
WHAT?! You can actually BUY snagging hooks!? Now I've seen it all. :O
Great report JJ....very entertaining. Loved it. I just know I should be able to make my jigs work for me more than I am. Gotta learn the technique better. Thanks for posting.
10/20/2012 11:29:00 PM
nice rig :)
6/25/2013 11:08:00 AM
"I'm gonnnnnna miss her............"
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709