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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Humptulips River Report
Grays Harbor County, WA


Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs
Mostly Sunny
Hook & Bait

Woke up late but still decided to run all the way to the Hump in hopes of a big ol' silver. River was up over 3000 cfps so I headed straight to the hatchery hole. Arrived around 11am and ten or so guys were shoulder to shoulder at the mouth of the hatchery creek and most with big old ferocious hooksets every single cast. Snaggers suck!! So I set up about 50' downstream at the bottom of the drift as far from them as I cud get. Not much beach. Started out drifting eggs with an orange corky on 15lb test. Around noon, right as I'm ready to bail, I hooked my first fish. After ten minutes and a great fight, I beached a 10+ lb chum and released him back to the river safely. up to this point, no fish landed (or snagged) upriver from me. So I put in some more time. Switched my corky over to a couple small red beads above the eggs. Then An hour later I say a few more casts before i go and wham!! Fish on!! This is a big one who shoots straight down river with authority and then right back at me and stops right in front of me ten feet out. Suddenly, it shoots across river and into the air. 15lb or so close to bright silver!! After five minutes and three more huge jumps he broke my leader and I just stood there in amazement. After the initial run down and back up, he stayed directly in front of me comin in to my feet then jetting straight back out twenty feet or so and as he would get out away from me each time he would fly so high out of the water putting on a great show. That was my last hookup as people started to crowd me and snag my line with their barbed hooks. I bounced out and cruised down to the bluff hole and worked it over without a single nibble and ended my day. After the lost silver though the snaggers at the creek did land three chum which they hooked and drug straight in and way too far upshore in my opinion to be released. If they did release them. Although no fish in the cooler, my two fights were more than worth the trip. Beats work any day!!!


11/6/2012 11:09:00 AM
especially when your sitting at work reading reports of other people who get to be out fishing.
11/6/2012 1:26:00 PM
Nice report. It is legal to have barbed hooks.
11/6/2012 1:50:00 PM
Did they change it? Regs say single point barbless....
Bob R
11/6/2012 3:11:00 PM
I don't know where you look for regs on the Humptulips,Toni, but it says in really easy to understand language on page 27"All species, Aug. 16 -Nov. 30,night closure and SINGLE POINT BARBLESS HOOKS REQUIRED"!Danaublatt, if you aren't reporting these poachers to WA. fish and game you screw over everyone who fishes legally, including yourself! DEATH TO POACHERS!(AT LEAST IN THE LEGAL SENSE OF GETTING THEM ARRESTED AND OFF THE RIVERS! Bob R
11/6/2012 4:01:00 PM
I was there, this is a bogus report , you ever notice that a snagged fish tends to jump like crazy ? your fish was snagged thats why you lost it and it was a chum not a silver . try to have a better attitude and smile more its good for ya .
11/6/2012 5:46:00 PM
It was definitely hooked in the beak but maybe a chum. I could be wrong there. I was a bit in awe with the graceful jumps honestly and as always I had a huge smile as I caught more fish than you solducsteve :)
11/6/2012 7:40:00 PM
And I will rephrase my bogus report. I don't know for sure the three guys standing right on the point were snagging but the way they were constantly ripping their poles back made me think so. I couldn't see where any of their fish were hooked as it was just a bit too far away to tell and I was pretty busy trying to catch my own. There were guys fishing normally as well and not appearing to try to snag fish and I should have gave them more credit but they were all concentrated at the creek mouth. Also, I can't remember the last time I snagged a fish even by accident other than some shakers while trolling in the sound. So as to your question scubasteve, I do not know how a snagged fish jumps a lot. Sounds like you may have some experience though. The first chum I caught was hooked perfectly in the lower jaw clean through and put up a hell of a fight as well and was jumping all over too. Just not the same as the second fish. The fish I think was a silver was not close enough to examine the spots or gum line. It was still somewhat chrome with a bit of even darkness starting to show. No stripes though and an even line across the tail. Not a deep v. Honestly, I thought it looked more like a king but the way it was jumping just had me assuming it was a silver. So graceful and perfect like it was jumping up the fish ladder but just staying around the same spot working against the current directly in front of me with the hook clearly in the lower jaw. And like I said, it began getting crowded so I left. Shoulder to shoulder is not my style. And Bobr, sorry but I'm not going to call on anyone.
11/6/2012 8:13:00 PM
I did look at page 27. I saw Aug 31 to Oct 1. Good thing that I don't fish there. AND apparently I can't understand "easy to understand language"
11/6/2012 8:34:00 PM
Don't mind Bob R Toni. There are a lot of * on here and on the water. I appreciate your comment regardless. Thanks. And so Bob R totally understands, wdfw has changed regs in the area allowing things that are not in the regs. You gotta get online to see that stuff so it's not just about the handout these days. The hump is unaltered though...for now. A few snobby fisher people on here think they are fish gods and you just gotta laugh at them, then out fish them!! Fish ON!!!
Bob R
11/7/2012 5:55:00 AM
There are NO emergencyrule changes online for the Humptulips(and that's where the changes are!),current regs in book ARE what is legal, I think that if you are going to post rule changes that don't exist you're pretty clueless, and complaining about snaggers and then trashing me for pointing out erroneous rule comments shows what a hypocrite you are, Danublatt. And Toni, You should check contents of reg books before posting, may save someone a ticket.Danaublatt if you are NOT going to call gamies on poachers then don't complain about it on line, just makes you look like someone with no backbone.If you think that calling someone a "*" makes you right then show me the rule change.Bob R
11/7/2012 6:38:00 AM
I said the hump was unaltered as in no rule change. Maybe you should slow down and reread my easily understandable comment. Then reread yours. I said some areas (like the chehalis) have changes you look to online. Just showing you its not all about the regs and page 27 like you so rudely threw at toni. I called you a * because you don't need to come at people preaching like you did. You can be a bit more polite in the future or just keep your damn mouth shut. And yeah, no backbone bud. More like I'm there to fiish, not sit on the phone on hold and do someone elses job.
Bob R
11/7/2012 11:54:00 AM
If tellingsomeone where to find the regs they have posted erroneously by page # after they insist they are right is being rude you really should talk to some fish and wildlife agents, they'll show you rude. What lame me response! Try backing up your comments with facts sometime. Like solducsteve said try to have a better attitude(lol)If you find my comments so "rude" just delete them. but do a better job of posting, maybe you'll actually bring in a fish! Bob R
11/7/2012 12:48:00 PM
I sure do wish I could catch a fish bob. That would be swell. I believe scubasteve was one of the amazing sportsmen at the mouth that day
btw. Peace out bobby. I will go work on my attitude now :)
Mike Carey
11/8/2012 6:49:00 AM
NO one should be calling anyone a *, and back and forths do no one any benefit. Both of you please read the terms of use you agreed to when joining this site.
Mike Carey
11/10/2012 6:30:00 AM
I find that my original comments also went over the line which shows how easy it is to go from civil to over the line sarcasm. My apologies to Danaublatt. I should have kept it brief and to the point.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709