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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Duwamish River Report
King County, WA


Float Fishing
Chum Salmon

I had plans to hit the Green in Auburn yesterday but decided that it was likely a bad idea after checking the weather for the day. So I sat inside all day... Pouting... tied a few new jigs & pouted well into the evening. I made a deal with the Giant Ginger that if it wasn't raining when we got up, we would go. He had a Dr appt at 11:30 this morning so time being short, logic said we should hit the closest place to us. The Duwi behind BECU it was... Can anyone tell me why do I keep doing this to myself? I should absolutely know better by now LOL! We didn't so much as see a ripple in the water while we were there. Lame.

Wednesday morning hitting the Green in Auburn for some redemption.

Friday morning we are heading to spend the weekend with friends on Camano Island. Any suggestions for places to try along the way? We'll be traveling along I-5.

Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving!


11/20/2012 2:07:00 PM
The river is pretty high with lots of color. I thought about going this week too, but after all the rain I decided that it just isn't worth it. Not sure if you keep up on the water levels, but if not, it is something to keep in mind. Here is the link if you don't have it already.
11/20/2012 4:28:00 PM
DONT GO GWEN. Needless to say the river is expected to continue to rise. Unless you know EXACTLY where to fish you are going to be bummed. I went out for a couple of hours today. Practiced with a spey rod... zero results then switched to a standard setup in the backwater zones up in the gorge and got straight up flattened. Long story short safe your time during these high water events... I know holidays give you all this extra time to get out there but your going to waste it unless you get out with someone that can show you secret little pockets that the fish like to hold in during high water events. Tell ginger to get busy... go down to the bar and make some friends with the guys that have big trucks with "fear no fish" stickers on the back....muhahah
11/20/2012 8:24:00 PM
Searun Cutthroat fishing along the shoreline of Camano can be a blast...Is a C/R fishery, but this is where they live. Flies, spoons, etc all seem to work on these wonderful fish! Have also caught (in the old days lol) an occassional big Dolly along the shoreline of Camano Island.
11/20/2012 11:40:00 PM
gfakkema - Thanks for the link! I've heard people talk about it but really had no idea what the whole sha-bang was about.

ARK - I've been so brain locked on finding river spots I didn't even think about heading to the beach! Do you know if it's c/r around the whole island?

Jim - I'm going. If I don't get out of this house, someone's going to get it & it isn't going to be pretty. I may pout if I come back empty handed but not one of the teenagers in my house will be injured. It's really for the greater good. Promise. I did get solid tips for exact spots on where fish hold when it's blown out.

Pretty sure I saw one of those fear no fish stickers on the back of that fancy-ass black van. I'm sending the Ginger to your house. He'll bring the bourbon. You guys are going to be the best BFF's ever!
11/21/2012 1:04:00 PM
Best BFF's hahaha, I don't have any Fish Stickers on my van, well there is one that says save 100000000 salmon remove a dam. But other than that they are all kayakin stickers. I know what you mean about getting out, the other day I went out after two weeks of no fishing, I just could not take another day.... Even though I was in pain it was worth it.

Oddly enough my thumb had babies and it affects my casting.

Before the Birth
After the C-Section

I saved the skin from it too, I tied up 3 Awesome Flying C's, you would not believe how amazing the action is, Latex vs skin... I am thinking if mepps had a good source for flesh they would probably change the design, but it would be expensive to farm human flesh... at least I would think, unless you harvested it after wars or something.

11/21/2012 10:08:00 PM
For the love of all things holy this is exactly why you need the Ginger as your wingman. He's a field medic that whips out one hell of a pillow stitch & he loves egg rolls. Just sayin'.

As far as Mepps... I say you patent the design, pitch it to Mepps, cash the check & let them figure out the materials supply. Simple simple.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709