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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cedar River Report
King County, WA


Cutthroat Trout

On the river at 530 off to work by 620... multiple hits 2 to the bank be back in the AM to try again.

Gin clear water, you can see them dart in and out of the cover to attack your presentation, i was flipping a little weighted fly with a pinch weight to keep it close to bottom.

Doing this from my phone so was unable to load video, these were rainbow trout but beefy little guys.


6/12/2013 4:08:00 PM
Hey Bass Assassin....Nice to hear you had some luck....Mind sharing round about where you were? I have only tried under the bridge in Maple Valley and under the bridge by the Royal Oak Park....Not much luck on either one. Everywhere has so many people on decent days. Just looking for some quiet spots. Thanks!
bass assassin D.T.G
6/12/2013 5:02:00 PM
First time on river. I was between 405 and library.
6/13/2013 1:17:00 PM
bass assassin D.T.G
6/13/2013 1:45:00 PM
Anytime. I hit the river for lunch today 25 casts and 1 squaw fish. Big one too, i think im going to start a Cedar river forum to post some pics and videos
6/18/2013 3:07:00 PM
Well some of the small trout are salmon fry's, that are hatching from the river beds. When you catch one sometimes salmon fry can fool you. From May to July salmon fry are being released from the hatcheries. you can see that very easily if you were fishing in front of the Issaquah Creek. Thats why you can fool the bass and cuts when trolling near the mouth using a floating size 9 or 11 silver & black Rapala. Best of luck & tight lines!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709