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Green River Report
King County, WA



Chum Salmon

Started the day fishing the Snohomish down at Bob Heirman, but no luck and didn't see many pulled out. So, headed down to my favorite hole at the Green. Targeted cohos but caught a steelhead AND chum instead! caught the steely on a green corky and black yarn and the chum on a chrome/watermelon corky and purple yarn. the steely was too small to keep and the chum to old. steely gave quite a fight for its size. the chum was too old and tired but did give a decent fight. rather than flailing downstream in the current like most of the pinks do this guy fought against the current. still a few pinks in the river that haven't turned to zombies yet and landed a few of those too. All in all, nice day on the river. Instead of catching my first coho I caught my first steelhead and chum!


11/1/2013 8:58:00 PM
neither are steelhead? coho and chum! Also, if it has an adipose always release the wild steelhead!!!
11/1/2013 9:26:00 PM
i'm still learning. i thought it was steelhead since there was no black in the mouth and there were spots on the tail. what else gives it away? either way i'm stoked to finally catch something other than a pink! wish it were bigger than 12"!
11/1/2013 9:29:00 PM
Both great catches. The coho should have had black in it's mouth.
11/1/2013 9:45:00 PM
Coho has white gums, Chinook have black mouths.
Seattle Pat
11/2/2013 6:29:00 AM
Wow dude - that chum is awesome in color! The other fish...hard to tell for sure. Coloring & face looks like a rainbow or steelhead, but the tail looks like too much V (hard to tell), and not a good shot of the mouth/tongue to make a positive ID. Great looking fish though!
11/2/2013 8:51:00 AM
Seattle Pat, do you think this chum would've tasted good? I thought he was too old because of his dark colors and the fact that he had these strange white spots on his tail, anal fin, and one on his left gill. Looked similar to the white discoloration you see on zombie pinks.
11/2/2013 1:11:00 PM
Coho have a v tail with a few spots on the top half of tail black mouth with white gums. Steelhead has spots all over tail and white mouth with white gums.
11/4/2013 5:56:00 AM
It will smoke OK. Some don't like it but chum smokes nice and soft. It accepts the smoke nicely .It gets very earthy if to old but by then you don't even want to touch the slimy bastards anyway. BTW had some red silvers. Not dinner plate but great on the smoker. Salmons tails are always more V than a trout....aka Steelhead. Easy " tell tail"
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709