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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Skokomish River Report
Mason County, WA



46° - 50°
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs
Mostly Sunny
41° - 45°

With all the rain we've been having and hearing countinous good news for the skokomish. I took a look at the 10 day forcast last week and requested a weekday off. Praying that the river height and CFPS would drop. Had Wednesday off. woke up this morning and rechecked the gauges. height was around 13.5 and river was flowing around 1160 cfps. Seeing that the forecast was good and no rain in sight til 11am. Got my gear loaded up, picked up my cousin and a member of this site and we headed out.
Got to the purdy creek fork and started to attempt crossing. Holy F%#* water was above my belly. My cousing and I are 6 foot. Luckily that area has no current, otherwise we would've been screwed. My friend on the otherhand was a little shorter so he basically had to tip toe across holding onto the log for support. started walking up to the shallows, followed to shore until we reach an area that look like there would be fish holding. Where everywhere was flowing pretty fast, there was a back eddy behind some fallen trees that had some slack water. Fishing was pretty consistent. We used jigs and free drifted eggs. I ended up with my limit of bright cohos off of eggs in about 2 1/2 hours, giving up a couple of times in between twitching jigs for chums. hooked onto a handful of semi bright chums. My cousin landed 2 coho and kept one bright chum and my friend ended up with 2 cohos and kept 0 chums. Left the river around 1030 and got back to the crossing and it seemed if the river has risen a bit. I basically had to hold my waders up to prevent any water from getting in. there were about 10 other fisherman who braved the crossing and got to the area where we were fishing. Not in the same hole but all around in the many other holes. Seen 3 other coho caught around me and a bunch of decent looking chums.
while I was packing up I found a large treble hook with pencil lead wrapped around it.
Now onto to the tiring ordeal of cleaning your waders, prepping your fish, and cleaning off your gear.
Get Some!


11/13/2013 11:23:00 PM
I'll be sure to pack my arm floaties next time.
11/14/2013 8:47:00 AM
Nice looking fish.
11/14/2013 8:49:00 AM
If you guys would actually *read* the report, instead of just looking at the photos and jumping to conclusions, you would have read this:

"while I was packing up I found a large treble hook with pencil lead wrapped around it."

There is no evidence that he used such a treble hook for his own purposes.
Brat Bonker
11/14/2013 2:42:00 PM
nice silvers, do you mind saying how you were rigging the eggs like with any corky or yarn, that's like the only thing I haven't got a coho on out of there this year. good jb, probably see me out there sunday if anyone goes.
11/14/2013 5:46:00 PM
@losaturn, next time bring your inner tube and we'll pull pull you across.
Didnt get a chance to see the negative comments. I guess that a good thing. Snagging fish is against my moral compass.

@brat bonker
I was free drifting them with a single split shot. don't recall the size but it was pretty much a 00 buckshot that has been cut right down the middle.
So the set up is as follows.
Main line. split shot. swivel. 4 - 5 foot leader. I use Pline CX which has been flourocarbon coated as my leader line. to a 1/0 gammy big river bait hook. with a egg loop knot.
I just used cured eggs(sulfite based) on the hook.
Make sure your split shot is and clamped close to the swivel.
you can use a little piece of yarn for more color. but I like the natural presentation. The bite will feel like a nibble at first then a tug when the fish take it.
Mike Carey
11/14/2013 5:51:00 PM
I missed the removed comments, did you guys actually make that assumption? Seriously, you owe c_saeteurn an apology. Ouch, I just saw the fishdeez comment. Do you remember the Terms of Service you agreed to? Well, you just violated them.
Brat Bonker
11/14/2013 7:11:00 PM
thanks c_saeteurn, don't count out those jigs and spinners for the coho, I've got a few on those but drift fishing has been the way to go, corky and yarn, and I don't think I am flossing them, hitting them around mid drift on red or orange corkies. that Purdy ck fork has been producing big time for me too. thanks again and good job on the chromers
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709