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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs

Got out with the fishing group today
Fishing was a little tougher today.
Still managed to hookup.
First was a 16inch jack chinook that went right back in.
few casts later coho. then coho. and another.
Little longer than I wanted to be out.
The 112th st was packed today.


9/7/2014 4:47:00 PM
wow! looks like you've been busy. i've never fished the duwamish. had some luck on the puyallup this season and waiting for the green to open above 405.

is 112th suited for either eggs or corky?
9/7/2014 5:47:00 PM
Great job! Nice looking chromers! It's eggs and hardware depending on the drift.
9/7/2014 8:05:00 PM
Main go to is eggs but I actually get a lot of hookups with yarn and corky also. I down size everything though and know the slots to work. If you go out there throwing 15lb leader with a giant corky 6 inches of yarn with 2/0 hook and 1 oz cannon ball your not going to have much luck. I have been forced to utilize yarn and corky due to egg getting low.
9/7/2014 9:04:00 PM
Long time reader new to this site never fished that part of the river what is a good float size for that part with eggs 3/8oz float or 1/2oz float size
9/8/2014 8:00:00 AM
That's my buddies and I there in the middle of the second pic screwing with one of our reels! Ha ha. We had no luck yesterday. We were drifting eggs, and tried some corkies, and sand shrimp. Saw one guy pull in a silver, and a couple pulled in some kings on hot pink yarn and corkies. We just had a bad morning from the get go ha ha. Glad you had some luck though!
9/15/2014 12:54:00 AM
Could you please tell me where is the location? I have been fishing in puyallup with no luck and the old fishing hole with same kind of situation ( nothing and go home). Love fishing and need help! Thank
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709