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Samish River Report
Skagit County, WA


Drift Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Fish Eggs

If you have been to the Samish, you already know. If you haven't been, you are in for a rude awakening.

Spent two days checking out the Samish River. First of all it is a very small river / muddy stream bordered by dikes in a flat farming area with tidal influence. Besides having about 1' visibility, it also has high fecal coliform counts from all the farm runoff.

I went to the combat fishing are by the bridge this morning, counted about 130 cars at 6:30. Low tide. All the "fishermen" line up and cast a heavy jig towards the pilings (deep water in the curve) the fish are pretty much stuck so they swim around and eventually run into on of the fishermens line and the fisherman yanks hard and the jig will hopefully set in the Salmons jaw. I saw a line of 100 fishermen shoulder to shoulder all flossing. I walked several holes down, all the same - cast a jig, let it sit and then wait to floss a King Salmon. Saw a few caught. saw one hooked in the belly and kept.

Out of about 150 "fishermen" I saw about 5 trying eggs and spinners, all the rest were flossing.

I left and went to the bridge at BOE road. talked to a few guys, they all had a heavy weight ( for the conditions) and yarn. They eventually said that they are flossing since the fish do not bite. They said it's what you do on the Samish.

I tried drifting eggs - no luck.


9/13/2016 3:00:00 PM
So they're using a float and a heavy jig? Set the depth so that jig sits on the bottom and wait for their float to dip or move from a fish bumping their line then rip? Or just a heavy jig with no float and throwing it out there and reeling in the slack (much like a lake fisherman would fish a sliding sinker with a floating bait)? Then wait for bump then rip? Is it a lot of sitting and waiting? Or are they ripping jigs through the water every 5 seconds?

I've heard this was the standard practice at the combat portion of this river (I've never been). After being told folks are using "flossing with heavy jigs" I wondered after wards how exactly they were doing it.
9/13/2016 8:15:00 PM
just a heavy jig, cast it by the pilings, let it sink and stand there until a salmon runs into the line and then yank hard and hopefully snag the fish in the mouth area.

it's ugly
9/13/2016 9:08:00 PM
I went there once or twice to check it out. Never again. Usually guys are using 1/2-3 oz halibut jigs, 50lb braid, and a meat stick of a broom handle. They cast across the slot where salmon travel. Tighten their slack and feel for fish bumping into their line, then set the hook. Youll see rows of guys setting the hook until someone connects. Its full blown stupidity. I so wish the wdfw would deploy a few dozen wardens one day and just bust the whole river worth of snaggers and take all their snag gear too.
9/13/2016 9:15:00 PM
Some of us do free drift eggs, I won't fish with a jig. But we do catch some fish free drifting
9/14/2016 6:53:00 AM
I gave up on The Samish. Deplorable fishing behavior. The worst types of poaching and bully behavior. And, the sheriff does nothing.
The WDFW should shut this fishery down entirely.
9/14/2016 7:12:00 AM
I agree that there should at least be some kind of rule with weight or you must have a leader or something. Heavy jig sit and wait. Its very boring "fishing" which is why I havent gone this year. I had one year where I was hooking up left and right but had 12lb line with light weight and corkie and yarn for a steelhead set up, but the fish will just snap off on peoples boots if you cant horse them in. Ive seen the wardens down there once. They were just making sure all of the fish on the bank were marked on someones card and the flossing and heavy jigs dont phase them. Its basically impossible to enforce since 99% of the people are using the same technique. I have sen some people float eggs under a bobber, its just hard with sculpins and small flounders taking your bait every minute, but it does catch fish there. Unless you get away from the crowds or avoid low tide its nearly impossible to drift anything. There are good fisherman out there fishing just trying to get kings, but its a long boring day of trying to floss if you fish how everyone else does. Ill be on the Nooksack later this year to try to actually enjoy some scenery and fishing and not be going to the Samish.
Good luck out there!
9/14/2016 5:11:00 PM
A stationary gear rule could be implemented, meaning your offering must be moving. This has been enacted on other rivers...it wouldn't fix all the problems but could help. I've never personally fished this river but you see this kind of behavior everywhere now and then.
9/14/2016 5:12:00 PM
A stationary gear rule could be implemented, meaning your offering must be moving. This has been enacted on other rivers...it wouldn't fix all the problems but could help. I've never personally fished this river but you see this kind of behavior everywhere now and then.
Salmon King
9/14/2016 9:43:00 PM
I got a big king there about 5 years ago throwing a Blue Fox spinner.
But hooked him on the outside of the mouth so I released him. My buddy and the guy a crossed the river (all of maybe 15' at that point) both said I should throw it back too.
Wouldn't you know it, the guy across from me lands a nice one after losing 3-4. I see his hook is in the fishes tail.
Next thing I know he's walking out with his fish.I asked him why, if he insisted I throw my fish back, he was keeping his.
He said "I'm not as stupid as you...I keep 'me no matter how they are hooked"!
I never went back after that.....
9/16/2016 5:33:00 AM
I can tell you from 1st hand experience that I only throw spinners and drift eggs, the real way its done.. What you do have to understand is that this is a meat fishery and not a sport fishery... Most of these guys down here only come for 2 things; meat and eggs.... I had a blast yesterday bobber and egg'n it... caught 0 but saw some huge huge fish surfacing.... Using borx-o- fire pink, natural and ruby red but no luck.. Thinking i need to add some sugar to sweeten them up...?
9/16/2016 7:59:00 AM
"CONTROL YOUR FISH!!!" lol, that's what you hear if you aren't using 100lb line and can't just drag your fish backwards onto the bank at low tide. No thanks! I fish the high tides exclusively here throwing spinners, much more work with less results at times but well worth the lack of other....well...."anglers".
9/16/2016 6:28:00 PM
No words for that "fishery" Took a look once and had to leave..... Just a "meat" fishery??? Please...
9/17/2016 6:05:00 PM
I fished there this morning till about 9am, rain and winds killed the bite..... Saw 2 native coho landed and released, all off blue fox spinners just after the tide change from incoming to outgoing... River was clearing, fish was thin.... real thin.....
9/26/2016 8:06:00 PM
Never been down there. Is there more than one spot to fish from shore? What's the easiest way to get there?
9/26/2016 8:06:00 PM
Never been down there. Is there more than one spot to fish from shore? What's the easiest way to get there?
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709