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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



66° - 70°
Coho Salmon

After putting in many unsuccessful (but peaceful, and quiet) hours, and "donating" way too many spinners to the Carbon River, hearing that the Green opened up to the 405 bridge was music to my ears. I drove up to my favorite area before the evening high tide, and the fish were jumping in twos and threes every 10-15 seconds.

I'm not one to be too loose lipped about my usual spots, but sometime between last year, and this year, a wooden fence (easily scalable) was put up where I used to park and fish. It was kind of a bad parking area to begin with, so I can see why the city did that. Clearly, the new fence is just to prevent parking. Folks can still get right around it to bank fish if desired. I decided to drive further down the road and risk parking in one of the local tweaker gravel lots instead, and do some bush whacking to get a decent spot. Some of you reading this post probably have a good idea of where I am fishing now.

There was definitely no shortage of fish. Even without any rain in recent memory, the fish were rolling thick today. Surprisingly, I only saw 2 other folks fishing within eyesight. I guess most people had other plans on this Friday evening, and/or haven't gotten wind of the opener.

Shortly after high tide, I hooked my first one on a size 5 spinner. It was a small-average hen. Had rather large spots up and down the tail like a pink, but white gums. Not sure what exactly it is. I then decided to try floating eggs for a while, but that didn't get any interest from the fish. I switched back to the spinner setup, and hooked into a really nice silver (probably north of 12-15 pounds), but I lost it right at the shore after getting a really good glance at it.

For the next 1-3 hours (I don't know how long it was exactly, but I was losing daylight quickly), I replayed that scenario in my head over and over again while mindlessly casting the spinner setup.

By this time, the tide was outgoing at a fast clip, and the bite slowed significantly. After countless "this will be the last cast, and then I'm going home" moments, I heard a seal making a ruckus just offshore from me, and then all of a sudden I got a solid bite. I got it to shore, checked for black gums, negative. Limit! It's like the fish were scattering from the seal, and then one found my spinner.

By the way, they didn't seem too picky about spinner color today. I had success on both a pink/purple size 5, and a black/orange size 5.

Tight lines to you all. Go get them. I'm not sure if the tribal nets were in today (I thought Sunday-Friday was their schedule?), but there were lots of fish here today.


9/17/2016 2:19:00 PM
9/17/2016 3:37:00 PM
Great Report! Glad to see somone was getting em down there
9/17/2016 7:40:00 PM
Muckleshoots are going in 8:00 Sunday 18 - Friday the 21st. Will stay below Boeing Bridge. Same goes For Ship Canal. Fish were rolling everywhere this morning but were on the move. We only got 1/5. Don't know the Muck's quota so figure they will just keep fishing until? Nice fish congrats
9/17/2016 9:32:00 PM
Oops. I said seal, but I'm pretty sure I was seeing see lions in the water. The noisy guys...

Thanks for the heads up on the netting. It's a shame that they net so extensively. I went back out today for a couple casts in the evening, but it was dead. I guess the rain got them speeding upstream.
9/19/2016 11:58:00 AM
Hey guys I was wrong on net schedule. The nets will be in through Wednesday the 21st this week.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709