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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Secret Spot Report



Rainbow Trout

Well, got done with work early enough to still get in a pretty decent day on the water and was on the water by ten thirty. The weather was pretty decent, not much wind, partly cloudy to cloudy and the water ranged anywhere from the high 42's to high 44's. I started out real good, at least I thought with two real good hits, but nothing hooked within about ten minutes. Well, after two more hits with nothing to the boat, I was wondering what the deal was, but kept on as I was out and it wasn't even raining. Then the pole dips quickly and I look out and see this fish come flyin up outta the water, at least a foot and a half, if not more and when it hit the water, it landed on it's side and made that slapping sound like so many salmon I've hooked in the rivers. I couldn't believe it!! That was heard from a real good distance too, so the heart started racing and before I could do anything, out of the water again and again. It basically tail danced across the water shaking violently for the first almost minute of the fight!! It didn't get big bein stupid, it was really tryin to get undone. After that it tired out some and came in easier than expected for a fish it's size. That was the brown, measured spot on 17 inches. Alright, finally, one to the boat. Re-tied and tried some more, now it was getting late for me (bed time's before seven pm, so late is early for me) and kept on and maybe twenty minutes or so later my pole DOVE and stayed bent!! It pulled like a freight train and never came outta the water. I thought it must be in the five pound range AT LEAST; but when I got it up to the boat, it was smaller than the brown, but it was a very nice fat cutthroat. The third hit exactly like the second and fought easily as hard. Both cutts were around 14 inches and amazingly strong for their size, just unbelievable. All in all it's a day I'm going to remember for a long time, I just wish someone could've been there to see that brown go, it was amazing.


3/14/2008 10:46:00 PM
Sounds like you have one heck of a spot there.

Looks like your going to have a good meal tonight!
3/15/2008 6:44:00 PM
Man those are great loking fish! I haven't been out hardly at all this winter....various reasons but I live my winter vicariously through you! I look forward to reading your reports very cool. I think you live up north but if you are ever fishin' in Olympia let me know. Tight lines...........Matt
3/15/2008 7:08:00 PM
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the comments; especially on those days when it's just gusty and snowing/ raining/ slushing sideways into my face! Which by the way has happened so many times as of late I don't even wanna think about it. As a matter of fact, since my first "trout puddle" report, I have been back here at least five or six times with not even close to these results, meaning ain't nuttin caught but maybe a little buzz. But of course, I'm out there so long, that is far gone by the time I leave. My friends just say I'm nuts for going in the weather I do, but if I only fished when it was nice, I'd fish maybe two months a year in this state, hahaha.
3/18/2008 10:39:00 PM
Nice brown VooDuu. No one do the VooDuu like you do...
3/23/2008 10:52:00 AM
Thanks kutt, that's my biggest brown of 08......and we're just gettin started....
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709