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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rainbow Trout
All Day

I've been exploring a lot of new locations on the "Open Waters" page of the WDFW's release on May 1. While not where I would like to be fishing, I have certainly been able to explore some new waters that I haven't covered before and found some real treasures.

Yes, I'm upset about the whole state of affairs concerning our fisheries. Yes, we are doing a horrible, horrible job managing them. Yes, I want to be Steelhead fishing. But, we live in a world where it's either BC, the OP, or South WA... and with my current situation cannot reach these places. But that doesn't stop me from fishing and exploring. I have yet to see another angler in these spots and am surrounded by beautiful country. I am quite content.

I have managed to catch all sorts of fish in these spots: Rainbows/Redbands, Coastal and Resident Cutthroat, Bull Trout, and even a little Brook Trout, in a place where it shouldn't be. The rainbows have been gorgeous, with two being 19" and 16", Bull Trout have been good sized (23" and 24" being the biggest) Smallish 8-13" cutts, and a 12-13" Brookie. All fish have been released, kept in the water, and handled with care. This is very important on smaller streams, as removing fish from the ecosystem, especially the bigger spawners, can seriously harm their populations.

As soon as the weather permits I'll be seeking trophy trout in a few select lakes.

Give it to 'em.


6/16/2016 1:37:00 PM
Nice report.......... and yes I agree that our fisheries have been managed poorly! But look at what you have found in the place of steelhead or salmon in the Puget Sound Region. Diversity is our best option during hard times with fishing other places unknown to many. Plus look at those beautiful fish you caught. Wouldn't have found without the loss of our steelhead and salmon season. Awesome job making the best of it. I would be honored to find beautiful fish like this. I'm dealing with major health issues and I don't have the ability to get out or around. It's a blessing to get out and enjoy fishing. Tight Lines My friend and enjoy what you do have. =)
6/16/2016 11:05:00 PM
Nice Fish! You fly fishing for them?
Ian Horning
6/17/2016 9:28:00 PM
@tyee4me I'm sorry to hear about your health concerns. Thank you for your response, and get well soon and get out there! @samschermer328 I've been fly fishing and gear fishing.
6/21/2016 2:32:00 PM
Hard to say for sure because I could not quite make out the dorsal fins on a couple images but they look a lot like Bull Trout.
Have fun!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709