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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


56° - 60°
Rainbow Trout
61° - 65°

First day of a 2 day trip. Launched around 1pm and headed to the San Poil. Lots of debris in the water made for a stressful boat ride, but fortunately, no mishaps.

Lines in the water at 1:45, trolling a Kekeda pink fly and a purple/pink squid both behind a 0000 UV chrome dodger. Tipped the squid with corn and the fly with Gulp maggots. Also trolled a J7 Rapala and a Rip'n Minnow both in perch pattern.

Worked the mouth of the San Poil near the "A" boundary markers. Lots of trash in the water made it difficult to work. Constantly had to clear lines of debris. We trolled for probably an hour or so without a bite, so decided to check bait. Pulled downriggers up and fly still had bait, but not the squid. Sent the fly back, re-baited the squid with Gulp maggots and had about 50' of line out when I get a solid strike and fish on. Debbie made a nice scoop and a 1lb, 14oz at 17" went in the cooler.

As I was clearing the net, a long line went down on the starboard side but I could tell immediately is was a planter. Debbie brought it to the boat and I released the 10-incher to grow for another day.

Shortly after a 20' branch about 3 1/2" - 4" in diameter somehow slipped under the boat and lodged itself perpendicular to both motors and the downriggers. Had to pull both motors out of the water and one downrigger to release the branch. It was then I decided enough was enough, so pulled all the gear and called it a day.

Saturday evening I spent a couple hours pitching a crankbait from the bank and pulled in a couple nice eater walleye.

Sunday we hit the water early, and even though there was less debris in the water, I didn't bother with downriggers. Trolled our normal winter setups, with a Kekeda pink fly on one leaded line rig and an orange one on the other. Long lined the same plugs as the day before. We hit several planters on the leaded lines, so I stowed them to fish bait free. I was thinking it was time to call it a day when we got a nice hit on the Rapala. Debbie brought it to the boat and I netted a nice 18" 2lb 'bow. Hope renewed, we trolled about an hour more without a bite so I started pulling gear. Had the first rig about half way in when the other went down hard, almost straightening the noodle rod! I put the rod I was reeling in back in the rod holder and just as I picked up the other rod the fish was gone, and with that we ended the day.

There were several boats fishing the same area Sunday, must have been at least 10. At times, there were 6 boats all trying to fish the same spot, jockeying for position. Shortly after starting our troll, a boat came from the west at a good clip heading straight for our port side. As stand on boat, I continued our troll, and couldn't believe this guy didn't change his path. He swerved several times as he got closer, and then about 100' away he finally slowed. Crossed directly in front of us no more than 50' out, motored to our starboard side about 100' and started letting gear out. Don't know what his problem was.

Water surface temp both days was 63° - 64°. Trolling speeds were 1.5 - 1.8mph. I ran gear 50' and 70' behind the ball with the shorter setback at 20' down and the longer setback at 25'. Long lined gear was at 225' back.

Daytime temps were cool, only reaching around 60° or so both days with sporadic light showers on Saturday. Sunday was a little nicer, no showers, but definitely cooler. Winds were less than 10mph both days.

Nice way to spend Father's Day weekend. :-)


6/17/2014 9:26:00 AM
Thanks for the report hewesfisher. I was out last Tues. and did not catch a fish. However I was after the Kok's and not fishing the surface. You run into those people who don't think about anyone but themselves once in awhile. I guess we're lucky it's just a few once in awhile. Thanks again.
6/17/2014 10:29:00 AM
Morning Phil,

Thanks for the report. Some people have no concern for anyone but themselves...too bad! Best part is it's a big place and I can leave.

I'm going to a Men's Retreat on Thursday for the weekend at Kettle Falls to fish Walleye. Will post how it goes.
Tight lines - Alan
6/17/2014 1:28:00 PM
Those planters can be a little pesky this time of year. That does sound like a nice Father's Day weekend. Hoping to get out soon as well now that school is out. Thanks for giving the flies a workout. -Dave
6/17/2014 3:34:00 PM
Good to see you back on the water. Always look forward to your complete reports. Thanks, Mtngrizz
6/17/2014 6:39:00 PM
Catch and release on a 20 footer!?!?! I'm really impressed!!
6/18/2014 10:06:00 AM
Widebear your recent reports were the reason I made the run to the San Poil. I don't feel so bad now knowing your Tuesday outing was a bust. Me and downriggers are a love/hate relationship, I love the fact I have them, but really hate to use them. I much prefer the simpler, hassle free trolling methods I use fall through winter.

If you guys go, I noted the "floaters" were worse in the eddy current around a bend, and overall worse the further downstream I went. Water level was 1285' Sunday morning, and 1287.5' as of 0500 today. Projections have the reservoir essentially at full pool, 1289.14'. by Sunday.

Happy to share my experiences, mid-January to last weekend was a LONG break from the water and prime time trout fishing. Think I'll plan next winter's work load differently so we don't miss the best fishing of the year. :-)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709