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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



56° - 60°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny
66° - 70°

My wife and I spent three days over on the Spokane Arm with one day (Tuesday, June 2) guided by Craig Dowdy of Yankin Jaw Guide Service. The weather was perfect with broken clouds and light wind and our expectations were not real high as Craig warned us that the water levels were on the rise and the really good walleye fishery is just past us. I enjoy fishing with Craig as I'm always open to learning and he's one of the few guides that will share his strategies and tactics.

He actually proved to be wrong about the quality of fishing and it even surprised him as we boated 18 decent sized (14 to 20") fish in just over four hours. We probably could have taken two limits with a bit more time, but I had to get back to the RV park so Craig dropped us off and I picked up my wife (who would never drag herself out of the rack at 5AM) and we took our boat back up river both that afternoon and on Wednesday.

We were bottom bouncing up around a mud line by buoy 5 using 2oz bouncers with worms on 36" worth of leader; simple rig but real effective. We even boated three 3lb smallies in the same location.

My wife and I fished around the same area using the same approach (2 oz bottom bouncers/worms) and limited out in 2 hours on Wednesday. The fish were still in the 14 to 20" range although a couple dinks grabbed the worm with one being the smallest and skinniest walleye I've ever seen. In fact, my wife pleaded with me to give the poor guy the worm (less the hook) and maybe a ham sandwich to fatten him up. We also boated to 16" 'bows and two 2lb smallies. Forgive the humble photo but we were C & R the second day and Craig and I didn't take any pics!

I did learn one thing about the Spokane Arm and that is when the lake levels are in the 1250 to 1260' range you'd better disregard your sonar and charts when you get up above buoy 1 and pay real good attention just below buoy 5. We found ourselves in 2' of water a couple times and our 27"Duckworth draws right around 18" at idle. Never hit bottom but I check that off to luck and going slow. The channels noted on the chart plotters are not that accurate and a few feet one way make a big difference.

Luck to all!


6/8/2015 5:54:00 PM
Great to see a report from you SnoKing! Wondered if you'd quit fishing! We were up over the weekend, not ideal conditions with the high temps, bright days, calm waters, and late morning starts, but still managed a few walleye, some smaller trout and a nice kokanee. Thanks for the report! :-)
6/8/2015 8:42:00 PM
Where is buoy 5? I have been told it isn't the buoy with the number 5 on it, but I don't know. Can you tell me please? Thank you! Great report by the way.
6/9/2015 12:54:00 PM
Funny thing you should make mention of that. I've had some medical issues the last six or so months and now have gotten beyond it. I actually saw what I thought was you down stream from Porcupine so I zoomed over and hailed the boat. Obviously it wasn't you and the guy thought I was whacked out. Anyway, we'll be back over again soon and I'll drop you a note prior to leaving. In spite of the rumor of bad fishing when the river comes up, I still am able to do a decent job on 'bows down deep out in the main channel up around split rock. See ya then!

Steve, Buoy 5 surely does have the number 5 on it! I was within 50' of the buoy although it's high and dry or was when we were there. It's about 8 miles up stream from Porcupine bay but like I said, until the water comes up, be very careful as the shallows sneak up on you.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709