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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



31° - 35°
Under 40°

Headed to Two Rivers with my wife's cousin and his 10 year old son for some "first time" burbot fishing. Went to launch our boat but with the low water levels, ended up launching at Fort Spokane. Once at the marina, started fishing for burbot around the net pens. By 10:30, we had 3 burbot, and the kid brought in the first two!! We fished until 1:30 AM and ended up with 8 nice burbot. Only one was too small to get any nice meat off of so we released number 9.

Next morning we headed up to Split Rock anticipating a great day of trout fishing. We fished until noon and it was far from great. 4 hours and only 2 fish. It's not every day the burbot fishing will out fish the trout. That evening I was joined by another friend to fish more night burbot. He was excited to repeat last night's action. Not so much. We ended up with two very nice burbot by 10:30PM and then nothing. I ran out of gas and crashed so we could get and early start for more burbot fun up the Spokane Arm.

We motored up to buoy 5 in anticipation of many burbot and walleye in the boat. We caught 2 burbot and no walleye. Long boat ride for very few fish. I hope others has better luck. It was fun to fish up there for the first time but hope next time the fishing will be more productive.

Burbot baits that worked the best were brined herring with crawdad oil. A few were caught on various jig heads and worms but the herring out fished everything. The four burbot pictured were Saturday night and Sunday morning's effort. Tight lines.


2/1/2016 11:14:00 AM
Great report and thanks for the info about the terminal gear and bait - looking at being a first time for burbot
myself - hopefully someday soon as age and cold weather have a limiting effect on when to get the boat
out and go. Does look like BurRec is going to resume the draw down at about 1'/day again until they hit
the first flood control level - that will affect the trout and walleye, but should not bother the burbot, we'll see.
high country
2/1/2016 3:36:00 PM
Were the net pen burbot full of crawdads?
2/1/2016 9:30:00 PM
Lots of crawdads high country! I wish they were a bit more cooperative at Buoy 5. Sounds like your tips helped E-10 a lot............any suggestions that could put a few more in the boat? I have "not catching a lot" figured out. :)
high country
2/2/2016 7:50:00 PM
Braid line will help you feel the bottom. Bounce a jig within 6" of the bottom......and do it with crawdads, fresh fish, worms or other stinky meat. I lost a PIG today around 7bays the first burbot to strip line off of me. I was gainin on him till he crossed a set line someone had set out which let him pop off, but I hooked the set line and ended up with a decent fish anyhow.
YJ Guide Service
2/4/2016 7:44:00 AM
Don't think set lines are legal anymore. Spokane arm is choc milk now up by 5 all the way to porky now which will put a major slow down on the already slow burbot fishery. Even the walleye fishing in Porky has ground to a snails pace for catching. Be careful when fishing in two rivers marina you cant tie to the docks or block boat traffic. If you tie to the docks you need a tribal fishing permit.
2/5/2016 2:39:00 PM
Where is the best place to get up to date forecasts for water levels?
2/8/2016 9:53:00 AM

Try this site for Roosevelt lake levels.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709