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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report



All Day

At my job (Hewescraft) we have a loaner boat program for an 18' Sea Runner that employees can take out so I was the lucky guy this weekend. Friday a co-worker and I launched out of kettle falls and fished from noon till 7pm and boated 15 walleye. All of them were under 16" but I wasn't complaining. We fished north of the bridge and west of the island trolling the main river channel with bottom walkers in 40-65' of water. We did try trolling in Singers Bay for Pike but had no luck with that. I still want to catch one real bad. Saturday and Sunday I launched out of Hunters and tried going for Walleye but instead we were catching trout on bottom walkers in about 40' of water. I switched to a dodger and trolled the same depth but only 10' below the surface and kept catching trout. Fishing was kind of slow both Sat and Sunday but boated 7 trout over both days. While filleting them I discovered that their bellies were filled with crawdads which is something to note. We used worms all weekend for bait. Was a gorgeous weekend for fishing! Boy that Hewescraft boat was sure nice to use as well. It's so nice having a live-well.


4/11/2016 8:28:00 PM
Amen It sounds like you had an awesome time on the water. Beautiful boat How nice of your company to have a program for employees. It speaks volumes about the organization. Thanks for the great report!
4/12/2016 8:37:00 AM
Yeah it's a great place to work. Wish I could afford a Hewey of my own. Someday I might.
4/12/2016 9:06:00 AM
Great report and an awesome employee benefit! Needless to say, I'm a fan of Hewescraft boats and am owner/admin of the Hewescraft Owners Forum. Thanks for your report! :-)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709