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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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06 - Interstate Bridge to Hells Canyon Dam Report




Our Thanksgiving guests Lois & Larry wanted to go out in the boat, the plan was to get close up pictures of Bighorn Mountain Sheep, the rams are in full rut and banging heads, after doing that maybe try for a Steelhead.

It is about noon before we get the boat hooked up and heading to the Couse Creek launch. After everyone is situated in the boat we head downstream a couple of miles to a location we had spotted some Bighorns. Upon arrival we saw two groups, they were close to the river, we were able to get in close with the boat for pictures. There were three full curl rams, and it looked almost like they were posing for us, so we took a lot of pictures, then headed for a good steelhead drift.

Our friends lois and Larry are great outdoors people but, Lois has never caught a Steelhead, so it has been pre-determined that if we are lucky enough to get one on it is her fish.

We arrive at the chosen drift, wouldn't you know it the wind has come up, waves are about a foot high with white caps. Barb holds us steady with the jet pump, while I get the little Honda started with the boat headed in the right direction. I had applied scent to the lures at the boat launch, so all we had to do was put the lines out. The wind was coming in gusts, at times blowing the boat upriver as we were trying to backtroll, with the wind moving the boat around so much it was difficult to control the boat and keep it away from the rocky shoreline.

We are about forty five minutes into the drift, and I'm thinking this will be the day we will not even get a hit, actually I've been thinking that from the start. I'm standing on the back deck, and look at the outside rod when it takes a hard hit and bends double, "Fish On" I yell, this one is yours Lois, then help her get the rod out of the holder. When helping her with the rod I could tell that this was not a small fish, She now has the rod all on her own, when this big bright Steelhead comes bursting out of the water about fifty feet behind the boat, everyone is excited, Barb is coaching Lois on how to hold the rod, and reel in line, I have the boat headed toward the center of the river, and Larry is taking pictures, if that isn't a first class crew what is. Lois does a really good job bringing the Steelhead to the boat where I net it.
We park the boat on a sandbar, it is a hatchery Steelhead that weighs 10.7#, pictures are taken, lois get a lot of kudos, everyone is poured a cup of coffee, we decide to set there for a while, looks like the wind is going down, so nice to be with old friends.

The wind is subsiding, water is looking flat, we decide to do the same drift again, without the wind I can fish the usual pattern a little closer to shore. We get the lines back in the water, I'm just getting the boat positioned to start the drift when the inside rod takes a violent throbbing jerk, the lines were not out more than a couple of minutes, "Fish On Larry, this is yours", Larry has played many fish, and had a lot of fun with this one, it came out of the water several times, probably fought twice as long as the one Lois caught. The wind has quit, so I stop the trolling motor, to make it a little easier netting this one, Larry brings it to the surface on it's side, and I slide the net under a beautiful hatchery hen that weighed in at 11.2#.

Our goal is accomplished, our good friends have both caught fish, what a wonderful Thanksgiving, Time to head for the house, have some holiday cheer, and talk about what a great day it has been on the river. "Happy Holidays to all". Ken & Barb


11/26/2011 7:43:00 PM
Enjoy your write-ups... how about posting a few images of the big-horns.??? Keep on fishin'!
11/26/2011 8:36:00 PM
Beautiful fish! Thanks for the details.
11/27/2011 10:29:00 AM
That is spectacular you put your guests on fish! Great report as usual. Thank you also for the shared knowledge of scent in the previous report. I'm always willing to learn. Thanks again.
11/27/2011 11:30:00 AM
Always awesome to read your reports. Those fish are gorgeous! First fish is always one that makes the trip memorable. I've got to get over there someday!
11/27/2011 1:26:00 PM
I will try to do that jethro, my friend Larry is a good photographer, he used a Canon SLR with a long lenses, got some really good shots from the boat. If you would like a copy of a couple of shots send me a PM, they are very high resolution, and can be enlarged for framing.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709