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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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04 - Little Goose Dam to Lower Granite Dam Report



All Day

Well second trip down to Lyons Ferry in the past few weeks and the fishing is still a little slow but picking up by the day. We fished our normal areas with a few fish biting in each of them. We ended up with 11 fish all being 5lbs to 10.5lbs being the biggest. The fishing down there will only get better as the waters warm. Water temps were 48 degrees. We did end up with one nice Walleye coming in at 4.25lbs on a blade bait. If anyone is interested in fishing for Cats or Walleye give me a call Craig 509-999-0717

YJ Guide Service - 509-999-0717

We fish for Pike, Tiger Muskie, Walleye, catfish and Bass Locations include the Snake, Palouse, Pend Oreille Rivers, Newman Lake, Silver Lake, Curlew Lake, and Lake Roosevelt.Turkey hunting trips also avaialbe!


3/30/2014 10:57:00 PM
I think you are correct, I would have expected the peak Cats to start about the 2nd week in April through the middle of May. Glad to hear that they actually start earlier then I have fished them. Well done.
3/31/2014 5:29:00 PM
I didn't realize one could catch any at all this early. Figured the water would have to warm up significantly. Pretty nice mess for this time of year!!
3/31/2014 6:26:00 PM
What kind of boat do you run Craig? I live at Lyons Ferry and I'll give you a shout if I ever see you. Were you up the Palouse or still in the main Snake? Nice work, 10 pound cats are nothing to complain about!
3/31/2014 7:45:00 PM
i bite fish...looks like some monster cats'
3/31/2014 8:08:00 PM
I like fishing never fished cat. would like any help. Nice Fish Guys
YJ Guide Service
4/1/2014 8:40:00 PM
We run a green and white duckworth jet boat. We normally fish the mouth and sometimes up in the Palouse itself. We will be down there from Monday the 8th to the 15th running trips for cats.
YJ Guide Service
4/1/2014 8:43:00 PM
We were catching cats last year in March, everyone thinks the water has to be really warm but they are getting into the spawning mode already. Some of them had eggs. Big fish but not as many early in the year and smaller but bigger numbers later in the year..good fishing everyone
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709