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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Canada - Yukon Report



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71° - 75°

Day three and four of Mike and my excellent Cabo San Lucas adventure highlights were Mike's hour long battle with an approximately 200# Striped Marlin on Day 3. We got a small rooster, a dorado, a sierra mackeral and lost a number of fish. Day 4 Mike was benched due to the marlin from the day before. I managed to get a couple of Barrett's Snapper and a small grouper to the boat while driving Victor nut's losing fish and snagging gear while jigging live bait in about 75 to 140 feet deep. We fished the Sea of Cortez side and used all 20 of our live baits in the effort. The action way outpaced the production due to a lousy (me) gringo angler and incredibly strong fish.

Anton Jones - Darrell and Dad's Family Guide Service
Official Digital Anglers Sponsor, (509) 687-0709 or toll-free (866) 360-1523

Anton Jones - Darrell and Dad's Family Guide Service

(509) 687-0709

Official Northwest Fishing Reports Sponsor


1/22/2016 7:44:00 AM
So, Yukon, huh? Global warming finally pays off. Well, other than for the scientists and media, that is...
Darrell and Dad's
1/22/2016 4:15:00 PM
Hi fishinChristian: I had to choose a location to file the report. Mexico was not available as an option. I'm trying to file reports on the fishing my son-in law and I experienced while in Cabo San Lucas from 1/5 to 1/10. There are 2 other reports over the past week from me that use the Yukon location. The first one talks a lot about the basics and the initial logistics of fishing there. I hope you enjoy the reports! Anton
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709