Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 24 - Cox Point, Estevan Point Report
British Columbia



All Day

With the 2016 fishing season behind us, we extend our thanks to everyone who joined us at the lodge and out on the water for a banner year. Another big thanks goes out to our staff that met and exceeded expectations all season long! With out the hard work, dedication and 24/7 friendly smiles we would not be ranked as one of the top lodges on the west coast.

We kicked off our 2016 season in May with the Reel Obsession team and guests experiencing great action early on, through late May and June. We saw guests catching their daily limits including several of the largest Chinook and Coho to be caught in the past few years.

Our largest Chinook of the year came in at 40 pounds and it was caught on September 1st by Doc Lozinsky and guided by Troy John. What a fantastic way to end the 2016 season!!

As expected, Halibut fishing was excellent this year, with numerous 50-75-pound fish on the dock at days’ end, in addition to the many large females (over the 133 cm slot size) being released throughout the season. And we had what you call a good problem, when there were times when we had to work hard to find the smaller fish needed for the possession limit. From what we saw this year, it sure looks like the size restrictions that were put in place for the last 5 years are producing steady numbers of larger fish. Just wait till next year!

Looking Forward to 2017

Although 2017 may seem far away, we know that the new year is around the corner and before we know it we’ll be back on the water. A large number of this year’s guests have already reserved their dates for next season already. The bad news is that it looks like we will be in a capacity situation and may need to turn people away again.

July 2017 is already almost full! The only spots left are for 4 people on July 1-3, a few spots left on July 7-9, and we’ve got room for 6 people July 14-16. That’s it folks! At this rate July will be booked up before Christmas, and May, June and August are not far behind.

We don’t want to disappoint, so be sure to call or email today to get reserve your 2017 dates!

Call me now to place a hold on your 2017 date: 1-888-855-7335.

New Site & Your Feedback Please!

Check out our new mobile friendly website at www.reelobsession.ca. We have added some great video footage of the fishing grounds, our beautiful lodge and new photos from the 2016 season. Keep your eye on CHEK TV for our 3 episodes with Gary Cooper’s Nice Fish and our 3 episodes with Northwest Fishing Reports on Fox Sports 28.

We want to hear from you! Post your favorite photo and share your review on our Google+ page (AND email this to me) and we'll enter your name to win a $300 Reel Obsession Gift Certificate and a Reel Obsession swag bag for the 2017 season!

Sharing your review only takes a couple minutes, simply visit our Google+ link http://bit.ly/2enFjz7 then scroll down and look on the left side of the page to see where you can "Add your review". Your reviews are much appreciated and help us to share your great feedback with other anglers. Thanks to those who have already submitted a review, I will ensure your names are entered for a chance to win!

See you Next Season!

Next season, our doors will be opening May 24, 2017 and we look forward to seeing you there!

Don’t be disappointed fishing with our competition. But be sure to call me before Christmas to reserve your spot for 2017. Call now: 1-888-855-7335.

Spectacular scenery, consistently big catches, and expert guides combine to make your fishing trip with Reel Obsession a truly unforgettable one. With many diverse locations and an abundance of fish to catch, Victoria and Zeballos offer incredible fishing charter opportunities in British Columbia. 1-888-855-7335

Reel Obsession Guide Service


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709