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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Samish Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA




Got to the launch at 5:30, but broke my pump hose terminal while inflating my boat, so I had to do some goofy hose holding and took longer than I like to get everything ready to go. Got it done though and splashed in by 6:05. Lots of boats launching. I'd say there were 5-7 trailers when I got there, and another 6-8 showed up while I was monkeying around. This was my first outing alone in this boat, so I had to learn a couple of lessons in solo netting Kokanee the hard way.

I started trolling North as soon as I got beyond the no wake bouy. Just as I had got both lines baited and fishing, and was happy with the orientation of my fish finder I had the first take down of the day. After a short fight I slipped the fish into the net and over the side and thought to myself "this is going to be an easy day", whoops! I trolled for the next hour with 4 takedowns. 2 short bites, 1 long distance release, and 1 fish that turned and got off just as I was getting ready to scoop the net. After that things slowed down for a while, the sun came up and the schools I had seen on the sonar earlier seemingly dispersed into smaller pockets. I added some weight to the lines and tried a few different patterns with no luck. Finally, around 9am, some of my trademark motor thrusting coaxed a fish to bite, and after getting him to the surface I promptly bonked him right on the head with my net, not to be seen again. Using the same technique I got another bite shortly after, but being gunshy after knocking the last one off, I waited too long to use the net and the fish made a run and popped off. 9:30 came and it was time to head back in. I talked to the boat right behind me and they had just 1 takedown and no fish in the box.

With a buddy in the boat to help me net it probably would have been a 3 or 4 fish day, still nothing to write home about, but better. I don't know what it takes to keep these Kokanee buttoned on, but I have lost more fish right at the boat than I have put in it this year. Sure can't complain about the weather though, after a short period of cloudy, breezy dawn, the sun broke through and I was treated to one of the most pleasant, calm mornings on a lake that I can remember.


6/13/2017 12:21:23 AM
What were you trolling with besides worms? So no downriggers used so what depth do you think you're at?
6/13/2017 6:42:14 PM
No worms, I use a few lures, one is "Kokanee Chaos" that's made by somebody local and comes in several varieties. Wedding rings are also effective. Always tip the hooks with shoepeg corn soaked in tuna oil and garlic. I don't have downriggers, so I just use cannonball weights, usually 0.5-3 oz depending on how deep I want to fish. So far this year I'd say most of my fish are coming from 10'-20', but I expect that will get deeper as the water continues to warm.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709