Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I thought I'd take my friend and his son (14 yr old) out fishing on the free fishing day since they'd never fished before. Started at 10 am trolling 3 rods at 10 to 15 ft deep with flies and wedding rings and one caddis nymph fly at the surface, all with a 3 ft 8 lb leader. I thought we'd get a bite as I saw another fellow catch a trout fishing deep with a flasher. We trolled down the West side for an hour and didn't get anything. I was beginning to panic that they weren't going to get their first fish this day. The caddis on the surface got a hit half way up the East side. I switched everyone to flys near the surface. It was "Fish On" time: 20 bites and landed 10 in the next hour. The black wooly bugger got the most fish, then the red, and then green wooly bugger. All were about 25-30 cm long. My friends were supper happy to have caught and I heard my friends son tell his dad he had to buy a boat! I was ready for a rest (pole management for 3 people is tiring - I've got a new appreciation for the work guides do!)
It was fun watching them try to hold a fish. You can tell from the photos that it was a new experience for them. The kid in the blue jacket is my son ( always the clown when it comes to pictures).
I'm guessing that most were hatchery since they were close to the surface. I'd love to hear comments on why I didn't catch anything deeper. i.e. Was I not deep enough? Do I need a flasher? etc.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service