11/13/2017 3:07:34 PMI didnt know the rules regarding private beaches, so I looked them up.
Tideland Ownership
Most Puget Sound, Hood Canal, Grays Harbor, and Willapa Bay beaches are privately owned. SHELLFISH and SEAWEED may not be taken from private beaches without the owner's or lessee's permission. Private tideland owners and lessees, and members of their immediate family (grandparents, parents, spouse, siblings, children, and grandchildren) are exempt from personal use daily limits when taking CLAMS, OYSTERS, and MUSSELS harvested for their own personal use from their own tidelands. Daily limits apply for all other shellfish, all other people, and all other beaches. Everyone harvesting shellfish in excess of the daily limit from private beaches for presumed commercial purposes needs a shellfish certification from the Department of Health (see RCW 69.30.010(8)).