Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Grabbed my brother in Law Dan and headed to the resort on Long lake (Lake Spokane) about 5:00PM to see if we could get the boat launched as it was a really nice day and lots of people were enjoying the water with their ski/wake board boats and water craft. Lots of people taking out and one other bass guy waiting to launch. Staged in front after the bass guy and when a hole opened up he launched and we were ready to go as soon as he pulled out. No dilly dally is the order of the day!!
Headed down lake and started in the first spot out away from the pleasure boaters. Lots of waves as you might imagine. Not much love caught one small mouth bass. Finally picked up the anchor and headed to the Willow Bay area. We parked in front of the lily pads at the edge of the channel in 18' of water. By now the boat traffic had mostly subsided. Was that the tap of a perch I felt; yep nibble, nibble fish on. It was a dandy perch...yahoo that's what were after. Fishing was not fast but it was steady. They really liked little orange jigs tipped with worm fished literally on the bottom. We finished up the evening with 20 really nice fat perch, three little ones that were hooked too well to release and a small mouth bass. Now for that family fish fry!! Perch YUMMMM !!
As always "May The Experiment Continue" Alan
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service