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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Coeur d'Alene Lake Report
Kootenai County, ID



Top Fishing From Boat

Had a good day at Cda today for a short trip. I fished from 7:30 till noon and managed 4 pike. Two at 23" one 11 pounder at 34" and one fat 32"er that weighed 11 1/2 pounds. I also missed a couple others. Spinner baits and glide baits worked today. fish were in 8-10 feet of water. We saw water temps at 51 to 55 degrees throughout the day.

The fall bite should be getting stronger, however seeing the gill nets out makes me sick to my stomach and I'm sure they are effecting how many fish a guy can catch per day. We're having to work pretty hard to find them.
If you're wanting to start a gill net collection, you can find about 20 or them in Windy Bay. Help yourself.


10/8/2018 8:17:03 AM
They are still relocating these Pike correct? Not a kill effort for the gill netting?
AJ's Dad
10/8/2018 12:21:21 PM
I don't know for sure but if I had to guess I'd say they aren't. In fact I've heard and talked to plenty of people who have seen them put the nets out and pull them in with fish in them, but I've never talked to or heard of anyone that has seen them release any in cougar bay like they said they were.
10/8/2018 10:30:59 AM
I enjoy your posts very much. My 7 year old son and I have pike fever but can’t seem to get into them. We watched the gill netters deploy the nets yesterday for half an hour before moving to Rockford than powderhorn. What’s your strategy? Do you troll behind the boat in 10-15 feet or do you cast into shallow and retrieve while slowly moving along?
AJ's Dad
10/8/2018 12:28:00 PM
Where did you see them putting the nets out at? I never troll. I always cast. I've tried trolling and had no luck. Right now slower moving baits are working for me. I'm still getting some on spinner baits but I'm retrieving them slower than during the warmer months. If you're seeing them put the nets out you're likely in a good spot to find pike. The nets greatly reduce the number of fish in the area obviously. Look for similar water and structure north of where you've seen the nets. I don't believe they are netting anywhere that doesn't fall in the boundaries of the reservation. I don't know for sure, that's just my opinion.
10/8/2018 4:25:02 PM
They were gill netting deep in windy bay. Probably had twenty nets out before they headed east towards Harrison. Thank you for the tip! And keep the photos coming my sons love looking at the monsters!!
10/8/2018 10:35:52 AM
I enjoy your posts very much. My 7 year old son and I have pike fever but can’t seem to get into them. We watched the gill netters deploy the nets yesterday for half an hour before moving to Rockford than powderhorn. What’s your strategy? Do you troll behind the boat in 10-15 feet or do you cast into shallow and retrieve while slowly moving along?
AJ's Dad
10/8/2018 9:22:56 PM
If they like looking at photos, I have quite a few on Instagram. Search for thepikesupremacist
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709