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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Stevens Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



46° - 50°
Trolling W/Downriggers
51° - 55°

My boys are on spring break, so we took advantage of a beautiful spring Tuesday looking for some Kokanee on Lake Stevens. I've been out several times solo, picking up a few each time, but nothing worthy of a 5 rating. With the water temps hitting 50 degrees, I was optimistic for what the day might hold. Talking a 20 year old and 16 year old into getting out of bed at 5:30am on their spring break isn't easy, so I felt some pressure to deliver a great day on the water!

We launched around 6:30 and had lines in water by 6:40. We ran 4 lines, 2 on the DR and 2 flatlines, 120 feet back. Started with a Gold/Silver Gods Tooth, Pink Gods Tooth, both rigged for Kokanee, Green WR, and Orange/Glow WR. We varied the depths of the DRs for a while, between 10, 25, 15, feet chasing marks, it was pretty quiet until the sun came up over the mountains, then we started picking up bites on the flatlines. Tough start going 0 for the first 3. Then, my son said, how about we try 17 feet on the DR....well 30 seconds later, it was game on, and it was chaos on the boat for the next 30 minutes, we struggled to keep lines in the water, picking up fish at 17ft, and flatlines. We had a few doubles that didn't stick, and then a triple at one point, in which we actually landed all 3 without the net, to help our average for the day!

When the dust settled we had 9 in the box, and lost at least that many. We trolled around changing some things up after the bite slowed. We scratched out a few more at 10ft, 17ft and flatlines, and released a skinny little trout before we decided to call it a day at 11:00. All in all we brought home 13 and lost at least that many. It was a blast getting the boys out on the boat! With their school and activities, it's a rare day we all get together on the water, so that in itself was a 5 for me.

Water temps were low 50's, and as always the Gods Tooth delivered, as did any color WR with a "sparkly" smile blade. Speed was steady around 1 to 1.15. Everything was tipped with Pink Garlic, Tuna corn with a little extra shot of Garlic Bloody Tuna sauce.

So all around it was an easy 5 star day for fishing, memories and Tuesday boat traffic on Lake Stevens :)


Ben Eggertsen
4/3/2019 2:14:33 PM
Fun report. Sounds like a great day with your sons.

BTW, what is a WR?
Ben Eggertsen
4/3/2019 2:20:55 PM
It just dawned on me, a Wedding Ring! What colors seemed to be the best?
4/3/2019 2:52:40 PM
As far as the wedding rings, we caught on green, and pink. The most productive was half green, half gold. But they all had the "sparkly or glittery" smile blades, this seemed to be the key more than color, as other spinners green and pink (which usually do well) without smile blades weren't getting bit.
Peter Maile
4/3/2019 6:29:06 PM
Looking for pointers, Any time you have a open seat, or would like to come out on my boat, I am all set up. Need to get to know these little buggers , Peter 425 327 4376
4/3/2019 6:34:00 PM
Thanks for the awesome report and for giving the God's Tooth spoons some early kokanee work!!! Always happy to read great success stories and excellent job out there!!! :-)
4/4/2019 6:41:18 AM
Good job DAD! Nothing like pressure to produce for those who like their sleep! Thanks for a fun report. Andy
4/8/2019 12:44:48 PM
Nice report... but I have one huge question. How the do you run 4 lines on 2 downriggers (the stacked part I get), 120 feet back and not have lines cross up and make life a living mess?

If I did that I'd rather have a baitcaster with a rats nest to deal with :D
4/17/2019 1:55:43 PM
@gonefishing sorry for the late reply...we just ran single lines on the downriggers with 50 ft set backs, the other two were long lines out the back 120 feet. When we turned it was very long or, we'd pull in the long lines to change bait/lure to avoid tangles.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709