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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Montana Report



81° - 85°

This report covers 3 days of fishing the Pishkun Reservoir in central Montana, at the foothills of the Glacier National park. Amazing scenery and some incredible fish to be had!

The first two days we targeted kokanee and rainbow trout. The reservoir is 75 feet at it's deepest. Day 1 was a get to know the lake day, by days end we had caught a nice 16 inch kokanee and two big rainbows, 21 and 19 inches, beautiful fish! We used a downrigger for the kokanee, caught on an artic FOX kokanee fly with small Dutch Fork ghost blade at 40 feet. The rainbow trout came off a lead core three colors and a planer board, 2 ounce dropper with a new Elgin double blade.

Day 2 we worked hard for the kokanee, stacking a line and running a lead core off the back. We marked a lot of fish, mostly in 60-65 feet of water. Catching was another matter as we went a tough 1 for 6, ouch. I told my son Matt on another day we could just as easily gone 6 for 6. Matt plans on coming back, he has the kokanee bug. These fish should be stellar fishing in 2-3 weeks as they get more closer to spawning aggression.

Day three we switch things up and went into some of the smaller channel lakes to target pike. The reservoir has some big pike in it but we could only find the 20 inch class fish. Matt caught all the pike, 4, on a large red eye spoon. I got a dandy 22 inch rainbow on a large white spinner. We kept a few for a fish fry and called it a day.

Pishkun is a beautiful reservoir and we had pretty much all to ourselves. Even on Sunday, we only saw three other boats. Unreal to have such amazing fishing all to ourselves. Gotta love Montana!


8/1/2019 3:52:06 PM
The last pic looks like a "net pen" fish, missing the pectoral fin. Great photos!!
Mike Carey
8/1/2019 4:42:55 PM
That fish was a pig! They plant the reservoir but dang you'd never guess it. Not a small planter trout to be seen.
8/1/2019 10:21:45 PM
Nice job Mike! Those fish are hogs!!! Thanks for giving the God's Tooth double rig setup some work, that's what I do when targeting the bigger trout too!
Mike Carey
8/1/2019 10:51:44 PM
It definitely did the job, big fish of the trip.
8/5/2019 1:43:33 PM
Now I want to head to Choteau again! Thanks for the report, Mike!
Mike Carey
8/5/2019 3:23:03 PM
beautiful place John. Unreal there is practically no one fishing this reservoir! Makes me re-think where I live...
8/8/2019 8:54:30 PM
Happy to see your report Mike and that you got to experience some of Montana's reservoir fishing. Dian and I spent 2 weeks there earlier this year targeting Walleye and Trout on Canyon Ferry. The Trout were amazing. The size, texture and flavor reminded us of Steelhead. Great quality fish. We were already considering Pishkun for next year so may have to give it a try after seeing your report.
Mike Carey
8/9/2019 5:53:54 AM
That's great, I think you'll enjoy it. Just bring mosquito spray!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709