3/26/2020 5:54:18 PMbuc
3/26/2020 5:54:32 PMhewesfisher
3/27/2020 6:47:51 AM"Fishing and Shellfishing
Fishing and shellfishing seasons: Beginning at midnight March 25 and lasting until at least 5 p.m. on April 8, WDFW is closing recreational fishing and shellfishing statewide in response to the governor’s order to ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ and limit the spread of coronavirus.
Razor clams: Planned razor clam digs have been cancelled until further notice.
Catch record cards: Return via mail or hold onto them until you are safe to drop off.
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Check Stations: AIS check stations are still active, and WDFW staff are inspecting watercraft for invasive species."
4/20/2020 10:46:59 AMreynoldsj
4/20/2020 10:56:56 AMhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000AUZ29/ref=cm_sw_r_fm_apa_i_Rc9IEbGMJZ83X?fbclid=IwAR0acms_Rt6Ev-mhuFqsvkqB1N3WdNXtcEkvn5dcDUpG1v7Hk9KuuOt_oMA&th=1&psc=1