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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



61° - 65°
Largemouth Bass
56° - 60°

On March 25, 2020, The State of Washington Closed Recreational fishing due to Covid 19. On May 5, 2020, it was no longer deemed a threat to society. Que me.

What a day on the big lake!!

I wanted to see how zero fishing pressure would affect the bite on Lake Washington- turns out the fish had let their guard down!! Started off at about seven in the morning. My plan was to try the cut, make the first cast back there in months, so I motored over and started working docks toward the mouth of the canal. Bam! A three pound smallie hammers my half ounce rattle trap, and pops right back off. No!! Bam! It came back! First fish in the boat. I start casting again.

By the time I’m entering the canals, it had become apparent that was not what I came to do; bass guys stacked on each other like hatchery steelhead. Some dude pulls directly infront of me and throws a cast, trying to get bonked. Ok next spot. I stick a little smallie under the bridge, but it proceeds to throw my ¾ ounce football head jig and returns to the bottom. Good for you little guy. Next spot.

I want a largemouth! And a new spot. So I’m exploring, hitting decent points and flats for smallies as I probe for green. Ope, there’s a spawner! A largemouth to boot! Bed fishing is lame- I usually give a good fish two chances at making a fool of itself before leaving it alone to exist in peace. This one exists in peace. Now I’m pitching the bank with a ½ ounce missle jig, tipped with the ol Kraken Craw.

Bam! Three pound largemouth in three feet of water. I drift over a couple lunkers as I land the one I’ve hooked. Cool, plenty of activity back here! I go on to discover about three more beds with big healthy bass on them.

At this point I’m fully content with my fishing trip, but I decide to check an adjacent staging area- a place where a big prespawn female would feel comfortable feeding before joining the orgy. Bam! A fatty in 7 or 8 feet of water- same jig! Not super long but she’s bursting at the seams; I weigh her. Three pounds ten ounces!

Shortly after that, a couple good fish chase my jig out from under a shallow dock. Wow, they’re so aggressive here!! I toy with the idea of going for an absolute donkey, and tie on the spro trout. A few casts in I change my mind. I’ll try that later- today was already a good day!!

It’s crazy that a global pandemic is upon us, but I looked at the Covid reopener as an opportunity. I was not disappointed with the results! Please watch the video recap to learn all about how I caught these nice fish!!


5/15/2020 9:58:06 AM
Nice report. Nice to get out of corona jail for sure!!!
5/16/2020 6:56:29 AM
Good report, and well written too. Keep it up man!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709