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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Pearrygin Lake Report
Okanogan County, WA


71° - 75°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
56° - 60°

I was hesitating to leave a report for Pearrygin due to all of the pressure it receives. but anyway, got to the lake by 330 and after making my way past all of the rednecks using powerbait I found a drop off full of 14 in rainbow trout.


6/3/2020 8:28:59 PM
Hey trout slayer, so rednecks, as u refer to as derogatory, are the only ones that use power bait? Which in many cases is the most effective way ro fish...btw what is it u have against rednecks?
6/3/2020 10:38:07 PM
just sayin what saw bud
6/4/2020 8:24:18 AM
Hey trout slayer...why not leave the negative labels out of your report. No value added and Mike Carey should delete your post.
6/4/2020 12:50:16 PM
listen, I practice catch and release always and breaks my heart to see people keeping everything they catch in body of water that receives so much pressure as it is. There is no problem with the people keeping the fish just not what I would like to see.
6/4/2020 10:00:03 AM
my be you need a good old redneck ass woopen
6/4/2020 5:48:22 PM
I agree on both sides, as I usually practice catch and release in fresh water, and it's sad to see people lugging home 3 times the limit in 10" rainbow trout or a bucket full of 6' bluegill, but I recently discovered that powerbait its a great way to catch hatchery trout but makes catch and release harder as it forces me to cut the leader when the fish is deep hooked.
6/5/2020 7:38:00 AM
If fish are legal to keep, anglers are following the rules, and don't retain more than a legal limit, who are you to challenge what they do? You CHOOSE to catch and release in lake legal to retain, bully for you, but unless others are violating the rules, it's none of your business if they CHOOSE to retain. If you see anglers with more than a legal limit CALL AND REPORT. If you LOOK THE OTHER WAY you're part of the problem...
6/5/2020 5:07:15 PM
when fishing with bait every fish caught counts towards your limit.
6/8/2020 10:52:35 AM
See even a redneck knows those trout are put there for the soul purpose of harvesting,They arent there to survive genius.
6/9/2020 12:36:31 PM
So trout slayer, if you are such a purest fisherman why aren't you fly fishing? barbless dry flies! Keep your tude to yourself!
6/11/2020 12:39:59 AM
Seems you touched a few nerves lol. I simply use the term bait slinger so I don't single people out lol.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709