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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Devereaux Lake Report
Mason County, WA



61° - 65°
66° - 70°

The morning was raining so I waited until it stopped around noon and headed for the lake. The reason the rain stopped is that the front was moving past, so the wind picked up! Ugg it was tough fishing with the wind. It was another R&D trip for the Scent Spinner 2.0. this time it was blinged up with Hyper Vis tape. White with UV Pink Spots, and the other was a Glow with the UV green fins. Both were trout sized and filled with Shoepeg corn.

Had one surface rod and one with the downrigger at 19 feet. The surface rod got most of the action with the trout being very willing and aggressive bitters! Speed was the issue though so I only managed a dink of kokanee. Lost a couple of other ones that were most likely kokanee. Midway through I got slammed by a 19 inch cutthroat. I am glad that the WDFW puts a few big fish in the lake, they sure are fun when you get one.

I could do without the wind but it was a fun trip.

Here is the video of the trip:


6/17/2020 10:58:41 AM
MY Lady and I have often fished Devereaux and have kept a 12' electric only boat to fish it and Trails End but saw that last year they removed the electrics only status. Have you had any problems on either lake with motorboats? We might consider fishing them with our 16' with an outboard now.
6/17/2020 11:28:50 AM
Wasn't aware they removed that restriction. In fact, I wonder if someone just removed the sign? I have never seen a motorized boat on there and hope I never do. It is a wonderful peaceful little lake that is unpolluted by too many houses or too many gas/oily motors pumping their exhaust into the water. (imho) There should be more lakes with this restriction.
6/17/2020 11:35:36 AM
Couldn't find anything removing the restriction. So I believe this is still in effect http://www.co.mason.wa.us/resolutions/1997/34-97.pdf
6/17/2020 5:09:29 PM
I know for a fact that the restriction has been lifted at least for 2019 - 2020 (til June 30 then will have to check again). I was concerned also so I called WDFW and was told the the restriction was no longer in place Trails End too). I voiced my concerns with it being such a small lake and with the GS Camp being there that they are often out in their canoes and that we loved to fish it in our small electric powered boat and didn't want to have to deal with power boats running close and creating waves on such a small lake. I was told 'well that's the way it is and you can always call the Sheriff if someone is endangering you with their wake'. We didn't fish it last year anticipating problems. If we took our bigger boat we'd probably just run it on the electric anyway but being older and 6' 6" it's getting tougher to sit in the little boat all day. Check the Regs for the Electrics Only restriction no longer listed.
6/17/2020 7:39:22 PM
It is not a WDFW regulation. It is a Gascon County Regulation. Just sayin.
6/17/2020 7:39:35 PM
Mason county
6/18/2020 7:34:03 AM
I do realize that but it is a WDFW launch and they had always previously listed it as an 'Electric Only' lake so why would they stop listing it? I'm wondering if the Mason County Regulation had expired. We are in the Shelton/Matlock area so I'll see if I can get any info from the County on the regulation.
6/18/2020 7:48:12 AM
From WDFW West Side lakes - "If a lake is owned by a municipality such as a city
or county, they have the authority to implement restrictions such as Electric Motors Only, No Motors Allowed, Night Closure, etc. For more information regarding any of these possible restrictions, you may want to contact the County's Department of Parks & Recreation or Sheriff's office before fishing."
6/18/2020 8:22:13 AM
Yep. you're totally right but the State has always listed those lakes as electric only so why they dropped the listing I don't know. I just got off the phone with WDFW and he stated that 'Those lakes (Devereaux and Trails End (Prickett)) ARE NOT Outboard Restricted Lakes'!!! I made him aware of the listed lakes in Mason County, the applicable Code (9.04.420), where to find them, and the guy I talked to is going to notify the Regulations folks. He seemed really surprised that they had dropped the listing and that it wasn't in compliance with the County Regs. Sad that now do we not only have to shlog through the state regs but we need to also check county, city, etc. regs too!
6/18/2020 8:26:37 AM
It is a nightmare. I once asked a game warden about an area to duck hunt. I did a whole bunch of leg work and talked with him on the phone. He said yep you can hunt there. Found out (after I had hunted there 3 times) it was owned by a county parks department, and I was basically hunting a county park! No wonder people take up golf. Happy fishing. Hope to see you out there!
6/18/2020 8:49:32 AM
BTW, Thank You for making me aware and helping me/us to stay safe. Guess we'll keep our little electric only boat and I'll just have to deal with cramped up legs ....... lol.
6/18/2020 9:09:28 AM
Wait, it get's worse ... the ordinance reads ..... "Internal combustion (i.e., gasoline and/or diesel) powered motor boats shall not be operated at any time on any of the following named lakes and those lakes of less than twenty-five acres in area."
SO, does that mean that the MOTOR can't be operated on the lake or does it mean THE BOAT that's equipped with an internal combustion motor can't be used on the lake??????
I posted on FB NWFR page and someone posted that Mason County Sheriff Ofiice told them a boat with asmotor could be on the lake as long as the motor wasn't used = ???????
6/18/2020 9:59:22 AM
I suspect that is up to interpretation. But consider the oil and nastiness the comes from an Ice motor just being in the water even if it is not used. My preference is people stick with the electrics or good ole fashion paddles. I always feel a bit better about eating some of the fish that way. Good luck interpreting ..... lol
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709