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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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20 - Upper Columbia River to Canadian Border Report



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This is kind of a delayed report, as well as I have had trouble finding the area within NWFR, to report on the Kettle Falls portion of Lake Roosevelt. The website has become too large, and not nearly as clearly defined.

Anyway, we arrived in the Kettle Falls area on Aug 21st. We fished 21-24th. We were targeting Walleye, which was a 1st time for both of us. We also were prepared for Sturgeon, and Kokanee. The owner of the place we stayed was a very active Walleye angler, and he was helpful with areas to target, gear, etc.
It was took us awhile to figure the fish out. We launched out of a launch called something like ‘Braedburry??’ Located on Hwy 25, 5-10 miles South of the Mouth of the Colville River.
We found are fish mostly directly across river from launch. The fish were in 30-40’ of water. The routine was Bottom bouncers with the slow death rigged hook? Does that sound right? As well as a bunch of home tied walleye rigs/Colorado blades, etc. chartreuse. The routine was in mornings and evenings we would troll in and out from shoreline. I discovered I am not a fan of bottom bouncers at all. Anytime you are left with 2-3 oz weight on line when playing fish, really takes the fun/feel out the bringing fish in.
Fish were smaller than I anticipated. Mostly 14-15”, skinny. Bigger ones at 20’, couple pounds. Everything is tipped with a night crawler.
These fish to do not fight at all in my opinion. It is a very subtle bite. You not even sure if you got hit. Then you just walk the fish to the boat.
We did not breakout the sturgeon gear, as it was 98 degrees, and no Bimini cover, better to keep moving.

So, got to experience walleye. Have not cooked them yet. Buddy cooked his, he said “Delicious”.
Picked a few large crawfish in the Colville River.
19 fish over 3 days, (2 people)

Beautiful place, Lake Roosevelt. But so huge, many trips out would take to really cover the lake. Glad to try Walleye fishing, but not very interesting in my opinion. I’ll always love how bass fishing you are constantly changing tactics, how you work/present a bait. This is not that.


9/2/2020 9:36:03 PM
Dang, Walleye sound much like reeling in a wet butt-pawn?
9/4/2020 10:08:33 PM
Trolling bottom bouncers may not be the most exciting way to catch walleyes but it does allow you to cover a lot of water. Catching eyes on jigs, blade baits, or even spoons is a lot more interactive but it is amazing how many people would rather just troll around. I caught a 9 lb. Eye three weeks ago on a jig out of 17 fow near a weed bed and I can assure you it was not like reeling in dead weight.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709