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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



Coho Salmon
Herring Strips
Mostly Sunny

This report is for a couple trips over the past week with friends and family. We've been fishing area 9 and 10, hitting the oil docks, off Edmonds, and out to Possession Bar.
I've seen some nice fish being caught by other anglers. But for us it's been a struggle. Pretty much one fish per trip. Today a released king and a resident coho. Each trip out We've only seen a couple nets being deployed. It definitely is not prime time.
Used the usual gear, herring strips, spoons, etc. Varied depths, speed, experimented and explored...
To those that found the ocean fish - nice job!

A picture of my son James with a resident coho caught today.


9/3/2020 8:10:57 AM
Same of me. I'm getting a fish here and there but it's not hot. Yesterday mornings fog was an adventure! Glad I had nav. My fishing buddy still managed to put us in 20' of water a few times while I was working the rods. I did see juvenile humpback yesterday, which made the trip.
Boeing Creek
9/4/2020 9:23:18 PM
Same here, fished the evening tide last friday (8/28) at Jeff Head and again this evening at the green can off shilshole and didn't even get a resident coho. But I know some people who have brought home ocean run fish from 9, so they must be coming soon.
9/7/2020 10:57:50 PM
The numbers have been pretty low this year, looking at wdfw average over last 60 days for area 10 has been about 1 fish per boat and roughly .25 per angler. Sometimes you get lucky and hook up in a 1-2 in a row though this a very slow year. https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/reports/creel/puget?ramp=Shilshole+Public+Ramp&sample_date=3&catch_area=10
Mike Carey
9/8/2020 6:56:33 AM
see my soon to be published report...
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709