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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Coeur d'Alene Lake Report
Kootenai County, ID



76° - 80°
Mostly Sunny
61° - 65°

Took a swing at pike fishing after getting my very first ever one at Hadyen, after limiting on kokanee for the day.
Launched at rainy hill and headed into the chain lakes, had a productive day for a rookie.
First fish was 27", quickly followed by a 26.5" 2-3 casts after... then a 3rd fish about 22" mid day...
lots of fun, these guys hit hard and put up a good fight and eat almost as good as walleye... maybe even better as poor mans lobster style.
cant wait to get into some bigger fish.


9/27/2020 6:42:19 AM
Nice! Pike are excellent table fare, and once you learn how, the "Y" bone is easy to fillet around.
9/29/2020 11:01:34 AM
Thanks, I too fished CDA 9/25 pm and 9/26 am. Water surface temp was 64.7 F with wind and rain. All the fish I got to the boat were 27 to 30 inches long and 4 to 6 lbs. I had the most luck w mid size crank baiting natural colors 5 to 6 feet deep between weed beds as the small ones are in the shallows as always. Hunting for the big ones, I threw jerk baits (tiger, rainbow, white/blue), spinner baits & buck tails (bronze/copper blades, white, red, yellow, green), and jigged down to 40' of water. Mostly diamond 5 copper and bronze spoon jigs. Graphed some big fish but they just don't seem interested as of yet. I think I'll wait for the water temp to drop to 58 F before I role out the again.
Geno the Viking
10/10/2020 1:40:10 PM
I let all my pike go and eat the walleye for sure. But it's amazing how good the pike taste when cooked into fake lobster meat. I'd rather catch and release a huge pike than almost any other fish. In cold water on light gear they are real fighters. I sure wish we had them here on the west side.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709