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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 4 Neah Bay Report



Black Rockfish

The first half of early September was not a pleasant one with fires looming large on the landscape around my house. With the threat now passed I decided a trip to the coast in my kayak was due. With warm stagnant air settling over much of the state I decided a trip to the strait for some rockfish seemed like a doable adventure. The exchanges were fairly large but the wind and swell were all favorable so I zeroed in on a 3 hour window around the high slack.

Dense fog greeted me and as I made my way out onto the fishing grounds I suddenly found myself in the company of two pairs of Grey Whales. They hung around with me for much of the day often feeding within 100 yards.

The first 45 minutes was a bit of struggle finding only the odd Copper Rockfish, Greenling, and Lingcod. Eventually I stumbled onto a massive school of Black Rockfish and it was lights out for 90 minutes straight. The average size of these fish was amazing and I don't think I remember having that much fun in a long time. Doing it all on a 6' medium bass spinning setup made it even more sporty.


10/7/2020 5:02:23 AM
Congratulations, with the rez being closed where did you launch the yak?
10/7/2020 6:30:45 AM
Seal and Sail Rocks. There is an abandoned resort there you can cart your kayak down about 150 yards to a mucky beach launch. You'll need wildlife area/discover pass.
10/11/2020 6:57:40 PM
The old Snow Creek Resort, way cool! Many good memories fishing there as a youngster. I was very sad to see that it had closed. Most of the resorts and fish camps are a thing of the past. Still lots of fish to be caught but the golden age of sports fishing in Washington is now but a memory.
10/7/2020 8:03:14 AM
Absolute slaaaab black rock fish! Nice work man.
10/8/2020 5:56:09 AM
As with all your videos, I enjoyed every minute!
10/9/2020 5:32:40 AM
It looked like something took a bite out of that Lincod's dorsal fin.
10/11/2020 9:15:26 PM
Glad WDFW bought the resort property preserving access to that beautiful location.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709