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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Spokane(Long) Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



36° - 40°
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
Trolling Fly
41° - 45°

It was my birthday and I needed to go fishing! The day turned out sunny and the wind wasn't to bad so I called brother in-law to see if he wanted to go on a short trip. We launched from the Little Spokane Confluence around 11. Be very careful as you reach the mouth of the little Spokane as there is a gravel bar on your left that is very shallow!

The original goal was to run to an rea down lake to fish perch. We found them in schools 30' deep but couldn't stay on them and didn't get any love. We decided to move back up lake and troll for trout. We fished 30 to 60' of water with three colors lead-core and 20' on the downrigger. Caught a beauty on Captain Dave's pink shrimp fly off the downrigger first. Oh no I didn't put the net back in the boat!! What a challenge to get a big trout without a net! The good part was it inhaled the fly and there really wasn't a chance of loosing it. The second fish was on the other downrigger at 23' trolling an orange bunny tail it was a dandy too and jumped like crazy. Between Dan and I we managed to get Dan's fish in the boat. I got my second fish on rigger again and luckily got it in the boat. The downrigger went off one more time and was another BIG trout. Dan horsed it in all of the excitement and lost it at the boat. We ran a Rapala on the lead core at three colors and managed to lose one really nice bow when it came flying out of the water.

The clouds rolled in and it was getting late and the fish quit biting. What a great trip it was for such a short day. It is so easy since I only live four miles from the ramp. Also got to try out the new Drotto bow eye automatc latch system I installed recently. What a treat not to have to get in the water to retrieve the boat!

Tight lines and stay safe the water was only 42 degrees!


11/17/2020 7:40:26 AM
Great way to spend your birthday Alan and belated Happy Birthday wishes to you! :-)
11/17/2020 8:53:37 AM
Thanks Phil.
11/17/2020 2:49:17 PM
Alan: What an awesome day you had. Way ta go. We hope to come over your way the 1st week in Dec. weather permitting. It's a 7-1/2 hour drive from here to Keller Ferry so we only make it over there once a year. We will be keeping an eye on the weather for sure. Might give Sprague a go too the wind ever slows down there a bit. Denny
11/18/2020 8:28:57 AM
The fish at Sprague are awesome to catch! Turn em all loose; not worth trying to eat!
Roosevelt fish on the other hand are wonderful table fare! You can get in touch with me at iFishSolutions for info on Rosie when you are ready to come over.
11/19/2020 8:21:23 PM
Those are some fine looking birthday fish!
11/22/2020 9:36:52 AM
Thanks, Randy!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709