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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



46° - 50°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny
All Day
46° - 50°

Mike and I went out with Glenn on a very cold morning; we were chipping ice out of our rod guides till 0900. We went up the Arm and fished the same areas as last Saturday. We drifted with the current and targeted current seams and rocky flats. We casted jigs as well as vertically jigged in 15 to 35 FOW. Can't be too much more specific or my buddies will throw me overboard. Grubs and swimbaits in watermelon with red or gold flake produced best. We caught over 40 and kept 37.


4/13/2021 9:34:56 AM
Is there no limit on Walleye? I'm surprised there are any fish left in that lake.
4/13/2021 9:47:33 AM
"Walleye Year-round Daily limit 16. No size restriction."
4/13/2021 9:47:58 AM
Looks like a great day!!
4/13/2021 12:54:48 PM
CWBRAUE, it’s headed that way, very disappointing.
4/13/2021 5:09:51 PM
Based off of what I have been seeing at the ramp, we are just picking up the slack for everyone else. All kidding aside, we release all obvious females and only try to keep males from 16 to 21 inches. The last two weekends I have given away my portion of the fillets at the ramp, while passing on information to help people increase their odds of catching more eyes. Glenn and I both show others exactly what we are using and in general where we had the best success. We also fish the Arm 50 to 70 days all year long. Want more success than put in the time to get to know the area better.
4/13/2021 9:36:28 PM
You said it best Mark! Putting in the effort and time, going through all the trial and error is what leads to success. You have been very generous in sharing what you have to help other anglers. Always appreciate your reports. Cheers
4/14/2021 8:51:41 AM
Hey Mark, are the walleye on the arm spawning right now? All the males dripping milt?
4/14/2021 9:36:03 AM
well said Time >$*>
4/14/2021 2:14:30 PM
Wader, yes the walleyes are definitely spawning . Our boats have looked like the set from a cheap porn movie the last two weekends. The males are behaving like teenagers with a new toy and we have caught several spawned out females.
Mike Carey
4/15/2021 7:36:41 AM
For those concerned about fishing out Lake Roosevelt, this information may help "Covering 125 square miles (80,000 acres), it stretches about 150 miles (240 km) from the Canada–US border to Grand Coulee Dam, with over 600 miles (970 km) of shoreline; by surface area it is the largest lake and reservoir in Washington."
4/15/2021 10:16:01 PM
Judging from the skinny assortment I repeatedly see caught and number of small eyes, the fishery is overpopulated. The fish need to be thinned out. No comparison to the fishery further South on the Columbia. Roosevelt has many more Walleye, such that the average size really isn't that big since they have emtied the fridge.
4/16/2021 7:45:20 PM
It’s not always about the catch but the peace and tranquility, it’s gone now. I’m done moving on and hopes it isn’t ruined to social media. Enjoy life, ya only get one! Good luck!
4/20/2021 6:34:02 AM
Nice job mark, I've put my time in over several years, its paying off by using your advise to guide me, thank you.Tight lines my friend.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709