2/20/2022 11:00:54 PMbonanzamel
2/20/2022 11:08:10 PMNada. Talked to some friends of yours who gave us some tips and some jigs. Didn't help. Followed them up above bouy 5 and got stuck in the sand in shallow cloudy water. (so did they. We were following them) So a new jet prop later I will be back at it when I can get the new liner for the unit. Came (slowly) back down to Blue creek area and tried bottom bouncers. Same result but talked to some guys who were bottom bouncing 50 to 70 ft water and had caught "their fair share". I am annoyed , not defeated. I will learn to catch those fine eating buggers.
2/21/2022 9:17:54 AMWalleymark, thanks for the tip that they really arn't that far yet because I wasted a good bit of time going up there on my last trip, Was thinking maybe the mouth of Hawk Creek?