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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



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Hey its the "Gator", had a chance to do some walleye fishing with my faithful fishing buddy "My Son Amos", headed to launch at Porcupine Bay got their around 7am, parking lot only had a dozen trucks with boat trailers, kinda empty for Memorial Day, headed up river to buoy 5 started off jigging with little success 3 walleye under 12 to small to keep, started trolling 1.5 smile blades, 4 green beads, slow death hook, 3/4 of nightcrawler, with Mike's Crawdad scent orange, trolled between 18 to 30ft of water, heading down stream, 1.8 to 2.1 mph speed, between buoy 5 and buoy 2 caught our limit of 32 walleyes between 16 and 23 inches, we were done trolling by 2:30. We also threw back about a dozen fish that were 12 to 14 inches. Spent a little time going back to launch looking for my landing net that I just bought and lost last Thursday. Fishing is only going to get better. That little guy in the pictures is my future fishing partner and the one with the long beard is my faithful fishing buddy "Amos", Remember
" Tight Lines and Keep Reelin"!!


5/30/2022 4:57:21 PM
Gator you crushed em ...
5/31/2022 7:22:21 AM
Gator that looks like a great way to spend time with the family.
5/31/2022 8:20:39 AM
Thanks Buc and Mark, it truly was a memory making day for my son, grandson and the whole family, looking forward to seeing you guys on the water soon, "Tight Lines and Keep Reelin" :)
6/1/2022 10:27:12 PM
Nice mess of fish! Good job.
6/3/2022 6:15:33 PM
Way to go Gator. You keep up the good reports and I will manage to get my old butt back down there yet.
6/4/2022 8:15:02 AM
Part-time, Here's my Motto "You Don't Know Unless You Go"!! And that pretty much applies to everything in your Life! Sometimes we are the only one holding us back, or your fishing buddy who cancels at the last minute, LOL :)
6/6/2022 9:08:31 AM
i was working through all my BS excuses then Saturday i fell into a real one. Fell through some scaffolding i had put over a stairwell and broke my right shoulder which just happens to be my favorite. so keep those good reports coming because that's b about all fishing I'll be doing for awhile. The moral to this story is you can't trust 3/4 inch particleboard if it has sat outside and weathered. so stay after them, it's the right thing to do!
6/7/2022 9:08:53 AM
Sorry Part-Time to hear the unfortunate news about your fall that "Sucks Big time!!" I will be praying that your right shoulder heals quickly and you can get back after them with the rest of us.
6/7/2022 2:31:32 PM
Thanks for the prayer support, don't get any better than that.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709