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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



66° - 70°
Cutthroat Trout
Mostly Sunny
All Day
61° - 65°

As the neighbors had a day off at the same time, (poor working stiffs) they asked me to join them on a fishin trip to Lk. Washington. So me, Fireman Bob, and Jose the Roofer headed out for a day. We launched at Kenmore and made the run to the South side of the I-90 bridge. Wind was light and settled down most of the day. Started trolling with 2 downriggers, and one lead core line. 4 colors on the lead core, and 20 to 35 feet on riggers. Trolled from bridge down to SW end of Misery Island and back. Tried a variety of set-ups including flat fish, Old Goats, Kekeda flies, Kokabow spinners, and some hand tied Wedding Ring worm harnesses, all behind a variety of flashers/dodgers. The most consistent rig was on the lead core with a Kokabow dodger and a green pirate flatfish, with the Wedding Rings coming in 2nd. Zip on the Old Goats, Kekeda flies, etc. Just not their day, I guess. We probably had over a dozen hookups with the fish in the pics landed. All were nice and healthy with mostly bugs in their gut.
Jose wanted a fish taco or ceviche feast for his family, so the landed ones were welcomed to the club! Normally it's a CPR session when we go out.
A really good day all in all. Nice weather, good company, and just enough fish that wanted to play.
We marked a few schools on the finder, but didn't really target them to see if they were kokanee, or? Maybe next time.


5/24/2023 8:56:52 AM
Nice Haul! where were you at on the lake?
5/24/2023 9:10:37 AM
West side of Mercer Island from bridge to SW end of island.
5/25/2023 9:31:40 PM
FYI, King Co health dept. recently revised consumption ratings on Lake Washington Cutthroat @ no consumption, due to forever chemicals present in samplings. These chemicals can cause a variety of potential health issues. Some of these chemicals were found in flame retardants as well as carpet materials, etc. Bon appetite.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709