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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 12 Hood Canal Report



Chinook Salmon

Insane fishing on the skokomish river tide flats.

Full 4 fish limits!!!!!!! of Chinook for everyone in my crew in less than 2 hours out on the saltwater area of the Skokomish river tide flats.

Forgot my phone, so didn't get any sexy glamor shots of dead fish. See my previous report for sexy fish photo of a giant hog. :)

We had a heck of a time carrying our fish back, which is a decent hike from way out in the saltwater up the river to just south of the power lines where we parked along the river and walked in from the main road. MY stringer probably weighed around 50+ lbs.

LOTS OF FISH TAKEN THAT DAY!!! By everyone around. Creel reports show massive take of hatchery Chinook.

My buddy got one that must of been around the 25# mark. Chromer hen.

I saw people going the hard way down the river to the mouth. You have to break away from the river for a bit and walk east of it in one of the smaller channels, then back to the main river farther down. Otherwise it's too deep and difficult to go along the main river.

I put markers on the map to show the way through so you don't get hurt or end up on tribal lands. The way through should be well paved by foot traffic by now, so follow that also.


Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709