Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
FYI- the ramp at the far boat launch is closed, but you can still park and launch kayaks. This is my first time seriously fishing this lake. It took my quite a while to find some fish, about a mile from the launch and there weren't too many. I caught a small albino perch is the best description and had several bites that didn't get hooked that I think were other perch. I caught one trout which looked like a rainbow with no pink and it was good size and fought pretty well. I hooked another trout that hit hard and came off halfway to the boat. I saw one pretty big fish jump but overall no signs of a very big population. The water is murky, totally brown near the ramp, though I did see a couple small rises there when I launched around 7.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service