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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bay Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Went to Bay Lake about 4:30am this morning to go try out a hula popper, I got all excited from those posts. Had one boil and one actually leap at the popper, didn't land any unfortunately but had fun trying. The topwater bite died down and I gave into a little bluegill fishing instead.

This lake has thousands of little bluegill and perch everywhere however most seemed to be around the 3" size. This is a key indicator that the predator population has been over harvested or is having difficulty foraging. There is tons of milfoil and algae growth (I washed my boat).

WDFW needs to accelerate their warmwater fish production plans. 12-15" bass are needed in many of these lakes with overabundant panfish as well as they could do well to more widely use triploid grass carp to naturally reduce the amount of aquatic plants that if left unchecked make it difficult for predator fish to feed and zero in on the panfish. Doing this in a lot of our lakes has the potential to increase the productivity of these lakes for BOTH bass and trout. Trout like clear water and Bass need to see and pursue their prey.

I'd also highly recommend everyone catch & release, Ive seen A LOT of lakes in king & pierce over harvested and thats why fishing sucks sometimes.

I wish that Region 4 would start to take the anglers point of view in management.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709