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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cat Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



I went out there with my pontoon boat to scout it out and see whats in there. Its about 18 feet deep in the center. Its really dark there as well. I was on the other side of the downed tree when a CH-47 helocopter (Huge double blade kind) came in with a monster water bucket and didnt see me until the last second when the bucket was 30 feet above me. The bucket weighs 1000 pponds empty and 9000 lb full. They aborted and went to full power and sent hurricane force winds right on top of me and it sent my poneoon boat across the lake and pinned it and me against some reeds and a log. After they left I rowed my butt off to the entrance and loaded my raft in my truck in time to see it come and pull 5000 gsllond of water out of the pond and bring the water levels down 2 full inches. The bucket later fell off the helo and into the forest.

It is safe to say taht this is not a safe fishing area for boaters and there is no room for shore fishing. I cleared my arrival with range control and they assured me that there was no training that day (Yesterday) and the helo still came unannounced. Always give caution the right of way when dealing with machines with 5100 moving parts. ...........go to american lake instead and have a good safe fishing day.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709