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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Island Lake Report
Mason County, WA



It was another amazing spring 2004 day, this year has seen some of the best weather ever. We started fishing the lake at about 8:00AM using jigs around the docks. My partner Bob landed a nice 3 pounder about an hour later, I got nothing. An hour or so later Bob got his second bass a respectable 2.5 pounder, I got nothing. I started switching lures and ended up using a Rapala minnow, that's when it happened. we started catching Bass. Little ones at first but a few big ones were mixed in. I nailed a 3 and 4.5 pounder but both tossed the hook at the boat. Bob landed a 1.75 pounder. To make a long story short, we caught 45 bass by 3:45 when we quit. Every fish in the lake seemed to want to come out and play. It was a amazing day. Yeah, a lot of them were 12 incher's but when a big one banged that Rapala the feel was a whole lot different. I've heard stories of guys going out and catching 40-50 bass in a day but was the first time it ever happened to me and Boy was it a Blast. And a beautiful day to boot.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709