Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Medical Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



There I was, in my pontoon, bucking the wind and the waves...and there they came, 2 guys driving their boat straight down the middle of the lake, from the south end (launch) to north end! I thought they were moving awfully fast and suspected a motor. Sure enough, they were trolling with an electric motor, and who knows what for lures/bait...exposed to view from several houses, roads and the walk path around the lake. Someone must have made the call. Just 5 minutes later a MLPD officer showed up and kindly informed them that motors are prohibited on this lake (as stated by 2 LARGE signs posted at the boat launch AND the Washington fishing regulation pamphlet, AKA Fishing for Idiots. See section entitled "How to Use This Pamphlet"). So out came the oars. How convenient, I thought, they knew it was gonna happen!! And so began the long row, about 1 mile into the wind, back to the launch. Oh yeah, I did not catch a fish and got only 2 hits. Those cats must have stolen my mojo!

UPDATE - I was incorrect when I stated that the fishing regs prohibit motors of all types on Medical Lake. It does not state this...sorry! Medical Lake is a Selective Gear Rules lake, which specifically prohibits internal combustion engines, not electric, as per the book definition. A City of Medical Lake code does prohibit all motors though, which is posted by way of signs at the launch. Maybe the WDFW needs to update/reflect accordingly, ie no motors allowed under the additional rules section for Medical Lake, if for no other reason than to get on the same sheet of music and avoid confusion.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709